Dear Fear

My worst fear

Came uninvited

And took a seat at my kitchen table

That smile so green

And it’s gaze so mild

I thought I could turn and run


Was it interested




It had no fear at all

I stood there



Stock still

Trying to keep my light

Why does it think it can hold me like this?

I know whose I am

It’s still here for the long night

One word

One tongue

One hand

One grip

And all I did was stay

Wrapped in the arms of gray smoke

And I didn’t pray

I stayed


Dignity set aside

Until I knew it was safe


I opened my eyes

Remnants of the night before

Oil poured

Lock the door

Keep the score

One day more

I won

Because I arrived for one more day

I won.

Dear Fear,

You can’t have me

You’ve never had me

And you never will.

You’re not welcome here

In Jesus name

You’re not welcome here.

I belong to the one true God

And I carry his word inside me.

The longer the night

The brighter my light will shine

For his good glory.

The next time you try to come

You won’t be able to cross the threshold.

This house belongs to the Lord

And my Name is his forever.

My name is his forever.

I’m his forever.

His forever.

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