Emotional Days

MONDAY: I wake from sweet needed slumber only to be thrown out of my bed into a world of people that only criticize your every move.

TUESDAY: I wake up with a little more joy in my heart now that I got a little more sleep the people around me are a little calmer than yesterday.

WEDNESDAY: Humpday, we’ve reached the top now only to go back down but it’s still nice. Wednesday night service at church. Everybody glad that we’re almost to the weekend.

THURSDAY: Friday jr. one of the best days. Sure a few people get agitated about small things but we’re almost done!

FRIDAY: Neon lights, friends, and family make it great. Maybe a crawfish boil or maybe just a sandwich who cares we’re done!

SATURDAY: Sleep in….

SUNDAY: The Sabath Day. Keep it holy.Bible study, choir practice, Sunday school. Jesus!!!

MONDAY: Wait where’s the weekend?

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