Submitted by The Author

Create a story using the line “I am not a toy to be used.”


Bay adjusted the headphones on her head and continued down the sidewalk. She gripped the hand in hers tighter.

"You're digging your nails in again." Zeke flinched.

Bay slowly let go. "Sorry."

"Babe, your house is right here. Are you feeling okay?" Zeke stopped and asked.

Bay removed her headphones and put them away distractedly. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Bye." she went to her door and inside, up the stairs, and shut her door.

She slipped her backpack off and lay on her bed. The whirring of her fan annoyed her quickly and she went back downstairs for a snack.

Her mother emerged from her room with sleepy eyes. "Oh, you're back Bay." she rolled her eyes. "Too bad."

Bay opened the refrigerator door and blocked her out. "Good to see you too mom."

"Don't block me like that! It is rude and very disrespectful!" her mom shouted. "Bay, get back here young lady!"

Bay turned around and slammed her hand on the table. "What the fuck do you want mom?"

"That's it! You have no right to speak or treat me this way ever!" she stormed over and slapped Bay hard.

Bay staggered back and headed to the stairs. "No wonder Dad left." she sprinted up the rest of the way with tears streaming from her eyes.

Her mom collapsed on the floor with a flood of years and sobs.

Bay slammed her door and sat on her windowsill. "Fucking worst mom ever." she sighed.


"You need to tell someone what's she's doing to you, Bay. Nothings going to stop if you don't." Zeke whispered.

"But if I do, they'll put her in jail. She deserves more after Dad left." Bay sighed.

"If you do this, I'll convince my mom to let you stay until she's better, promise." Zeke kissed her forehead.

"That's why you're the _best_ boyfriend." Bay smiled.

Zeke laughed. "Come on, we have to get to class now."


The rest of the day zoomed by. Bay exited her last class. She followed the crowd like always and walked home. She pulled her phone out and sent Zeke a quick text.

Bay went into the house and ignored her mom moaning over another guy.

"Hey, Bay. Come meet Pete." her mom demanded when she noticed her daughter.

Bay growled but headed over cautiously. "Names Bay." she said through gritted teeth.

"Pete." Pete smiled. "You know, if I wasn't hooking up with your mother, I might be with you." he reached down and stroaked her thigh.

Bay growled again and slapped his hand. "Stick with my fucking mom will you?" she stormed upstairs to her room.

Bay pulled her phone out again but Zeke hadn't replied to her text. She went back downstairs and disgustedly looked away from Pete and her mom. She unlocked the front door and left.

Bay walked all the way to Zeke's house and knocked on his door.

His mom answered. "Oh, Bay it's you. Please, come in." she stepped out of the way.

"Thank you." Bay slipped inside and sat on the couch.

"What's troubling you, darling?" Zeke's mom asked.

"Zeke didn't answer my text like he usually does. Did he come home?" Bay asked.

"No, no, he didn't. I was hoping you would know where he was." his mom whispered.

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave now." Bay got up off the couch and went to the door.

"No, wait. Zeke told me you were having mom problems again. You're welcome to stay here for a few days if you would like." his mom smiled.

Bay took a breath of relief. "Thank you so much. I'd kill myself if I have to see my mom moaning over _another_ disgusting guy."

"Yes, well, help yourself to snacks and the TV. I'll be making dinner soon." his mom slowly walked away.

Bay switched the TV on and lay on the couch. "Where are you, Zeke?"


The next day when Bay got up, fresh breakfast was on the little island in the center of the kitchen. She got up and stretched. She went to the island and noticed a post-it nearby.

_Hello Bay. I see you're reading my note. Very good. I just wanted to say, you're not safe anymore. I know what you are to become, and cannot let you. I'm truly sorry. Signed, Your Loving Boyfriend or Vex._

"Glad you saw my note, Bay." Vex's voice sounded behind her. "Now, allow me to get rid of you."

Bay grabbed the plate of food and swung it behind her into Vex's face. She fell off her chair and backed away from him.

"Delicious, but unfortunately, this means I just need to go the harder way to get you." he turned toward her.

Bay backed away into a wall and covered her head with her arm.

A shout filled her ears as Zeke's mom attacked her son. "Get out of here, Bay. Become what you are meant to."

Bay uncovered her face and scrambled out of the house.

"No!" Vex screamed. "Let me go!"

"Son, don't let your job get in the way of love!" his mom shouted.

Vex stood up straighter and turned his head to her. "This isn't a job, it's an honor." he flung her off. "I'm sorry, mom." he turned his head back around and flew off.

His mom was left lying there. She groaned. "You have no idea what's coming, my dear son." her body grew smaller until all that was left was a _tiny spider_.


Bay kicked a pebble into the river. "Of course Zeke is a villain." she slumped down on a patch of grass.

The river slowly flowed by. A tiny spider crawled out from some rocks and slowly went over to Bay's hand. It slipped on her hand and bit down.


There wasn't the line in here yet, but we'll get there in the next part, promise.

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