"I saw what you did last night. And I've told everyone."

Begin a story with this sentence. Create tension and excitement surrounding what the event could be and the repurcussions for your character.

Disrespect or Disregard Your Choice!

I saw what you did last night, and I've told everyone! Of course, nobody remotely believed me. I am passionate and have a touch of fantastical. I will write my thoughts down and deal with them in the morning. Since this directly affects you, I feel I'm in a “safe space” with you. Bear with me, as this is unusual! Do you not think it slightly out of character to utter my well-rehearsed and inane thoughts, please? Am I crazy? How queer it sounds to utter from your well-trained but thorough when you and practically only you utter only you? Does it make you feel when you hear that undeniable utterance pour from your mouth like a piece of Turkish Delight? Does it even slightly peek at your desires? No judgments from me!

As one wise or stupid man (depending on the day you hear the saringbbthe dislike of the momentary ill mnmefeel sick like a child overindulging in…lets us call him “Edmund” with his “Turkish Delight.” Or do you notice the modern twist that has ruined the taste of caramel for me…at least my tastes are maturing. Who needs salt anyway? Undoubtedly, it's an utterly ridiculous conconcoction greeted by a Food Network employee. One word of caution: don't dig too deeply into the vast quantities of Belladonna. Of course, you'll make a remarkable specimen with an unimaginable iridescent glow about you. You have three choices: First, abandon your family and friends and accept your immortality; you’ll forever be beautiful and wise but incapable of reciprocating the love and affection offered to you.

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