I would be anything for you.

Write a non-romantic poem which contains this line.

The King Who Has Killed

I heard the news, are you okay ?

I’m recovering but I’ll be fine.

Are you sure ? You’ve lost your whole life

Yes and ? It’s a life I wasn’t worthy for , on to the next

How can you say that ? Your family wanted so much more …

I don’t… I don’t know how to explain to you , I failed my father, I failed my mother-

You fail nothing you are a success as you have lived and breathed todays air-

Air I borrow from tomorrow

My sorrow isn’t yours to swallow.

I will never be able to forgive myself

Please don’t attempt to make me.

I will not , you will pity your own self but know the people of this land , they need a new leader who would be anything for you , a knight , a cook , a teacher; I would be anything for you.

And why would you do that ?

You are our hope , your families passing is tragic , but life does not end here , you must stand and approach the world with the same strength and dignity your father once did.

I cannot speak to the people , they could not speak to me.

They don’t know what they don’t understand.

Take advantage of that fact , and make up for the atrocities you’ve committed. Now.

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