Nameless Dread

The multitude of lights blur into one as I weave through the cars, ugh I need sleep. Ding! My phone chimes, who on earth needs me at 2 in the morning? My mouth instantly dries, feeling as though I'd swallowed glass. My foot hesitates on the gas, as I process the words on my screen. I'm quickly dragged from my panic when the car behind me screeches for me to go. Shit!

’Do not go home,’ it says.

No number and no context. What is that supposed to mean? Who would send this? Okay, Surely they just have the wrong number.

I keep rereading the five words that sit on my screen, taunting me with their ambiguity. I need to figure this out.

I manoeuvre myself out of traffic, turning towards a secluded street. I rip off my scarf, its presence choking me.

The chill will keep me alert.

I watch my breath ooze throughout the car as the temperature decreases. My fingers pause over the keyboard as I consider replying. This has to be a joke. But what sort of sick prank is this? I rack my brain to work out who this could be and who would want to scare me this way. I arrive at zero conclusions, huffing in frustration I decide I'm not going to simply cower at one dumb anonymous text.

I flip the key, turning left toward home, I just pray it’s the right decision.

My body stills as my phone alights with a buzz, ‘did I not make myself clear, Lily?’, it read.

They have my location. How in the hell do they have my location? It couldn't be that easy, ‘or this person was just that good’, I thought. I inhale deeply, rhythmically, 5 things Lily. Use your five senses and list them.

One thing I can’t shake is that this message feels so intimate, but it doesn’t feel familiar. My palms begin to sweat with the surreality that I have to confront this now.

On unsteady legs, I amble out of my car. I fixate on the sound of my heels smacking the floor, strangely subduing my anxiety. I check the house’s surroundings to find everything as I left it. On the first text alone I could have brushed this off, but they knew my name, this wasn't a coincidence.I drive my key forward into the lock, my hands fumbling as I drop the key twice before I'm successful. I'm met with an eerie stillness. A tinge of comfort shoots through me that not a single thing is out of place.

The fairy lights strewn across the place flicker rapidly, elevating my anxiety.

I feel my pulse in my throat, my gut screams that I'm not the only person here.

I open every door except one. Mine.

Please be nothing.

“I thought I told you not to come home, Lily.”

A deep husk sounds behind me, the voice at least a foot taller than me. My breathing stutters, who the fuck is that?

I veer around toward the voice. His eyes are the first thing I notice, his blue hues seem to scrutinize me. His chestnut hair is short and tapered, complimenting the sharp angles of his face. I pause on his lips, full and arrogant.

“I guess I don't respond well to orders, who are you?” I stand tall, clenching my fists to prevent them from shaking.

His scent reaches me as he nears, decadent and Woody. Utterly intoxicating.

“Is that so?” He states, placing his hands above the door, ignoring my question. His shirt lifts fractionally, exposing the muscles of his abdomen, tensing as he watches me.

“Why are you here? This is insane, what's going on?” I half yell, getting increasingly agitated with him.

He withdraws his lower lip, biting hard as his brows form a scowl.

”I should tell you..” He removes his hands from above me, his left hand reaching for his back pocket. The glimmer of a knife comes into view, an inadequate name for the object he was currently gripping. The blade he held would not only kill a man but butcher him too. I made an effort to remain calm, serial killers love instilling fear, right? If I'm not scared he can't get off. Good plan, Lily.

” I can be quite clumsy sometimes, Lily.” He said, flashing a devilish grin.

“What do you mean by clumsy?” I breathed raggedly, struggling to form coherent words. My heart had to be nearing two hundred beats per minute. I placed my hand on my chest, trying to calm myself.

He watched me intently, his brows pulling taut with remorse. “Shhh deep breaths for me baby, I need you calm, can you do that for me?”, at this point his words had become hypnotic, fear had taken over any rationale I had left.

I held his gaze, breathing deeply as he requested,

”Yes, just tell me what's going on, please.” I practically begged him.

He simply smirked at me, turning my body half a circle towards my bedroom. The handle creaked as he turned it. He pushed the door open, his hands encircling my waist, as he revealed what he'd done.

“I got a little clumsy with your boyfriend, I hope you don't mind darling.” He placed a slow kiss on my neck as he revealed the other side of the knife, glistening in a red coating.

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