
[Alteration to prompt*]

I’m a teenager

stuck in my own mind.

But I’ve been left

with my own life to find.

I hate the way

that everyone looks at me.

“You’re overreacting.”

From my mind, I am not free.

I know I’m different,

I can see it in their eyes.

But I’ve buried those thoughts

and conjured a disguise.

Am I being dramatic?

Am I really that dumb?

I’m trying to hide

that I’m dying; I’m numb.

I’ve made up

different versions of who I am.

I’ve decided against

sitting like a little lamb.

It’s only these days

I realize that I’m not

who I say I am,

but I’ve finally been caught.

Is this overreacting?

You say ‘this is from nowhere.’

Did you know these thoughts

didn’t come from ‘who knows where?’

If thoughts were an ocean,

I would’ve drowned years ago.

But, sadly, I’m stuck here, and

if I were dead, I would know.

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