If silence had a scent, it would smell like...
The scent of silence
If silence had a scent
it would smell like dust
built up over time-
not the dust
in a kind old grandmothers home
but the dust
that rolls in
at the end of a battle
If silence had a scent
it would be
but you don’t quite know
where you have smelled it before
Or why it is familiar
if silence had a scent
It would be an odd mix
of different things
of dust and dirt
of new beginnings
and of old memories
If silnce had a scent
It would be my amortentia
It would be that of a freshly opened book
A newly painted canvas
which demands distance to appreciate
If silence had a scent
It would be coffee
and a cool breeze
The fragile fragments
before a day of chaos
And disaster
If silence had a scent
I would bottle it up
and keep it all for myself
A drug to fuel my daydreams
If Silence had a scent
It would be salty tears
Whimsical wishing
and fears of the unknown
If silence had a scent
It would be hard to trace
Like a thief on the run
Yet utterly remarkable
It would be impossible
to live without
It would fill the silence
with its painful sound