
A Wolfwalkers fanfic


Thorn stepped forward, bow in hand. He crouched low and peeked through the bushes. The two wolves were right there. He raised the bow and pulled the arrow back.

"One eye closed and...shoot."

The arrow flew through the air. Thorn looked away. A shrill bark came from one of the wolves. He gasped and looked back out at them. The one that was hit, a gray and white one, tried to tear the arrow out. The other, a brown one, sat by the gray one's side and started howling.

"What is it doing?" Thorn slowly took another step forward.

A stick cracked under his foot. He looked down in panic. The wolves snapped their heads up. The brown one crept forward. He put a hand over his mouth and held his breath. It got closer.

The gray one barked and the other hurried back to it. They walked off, casting glances back at where Thorn was.

"Do I follow them?" Thorn asked himself. "Maybe not, Aisling's expecting food."

He stood up and turned around for home. The trees whistled as the wind blew through their tips. Leaves fell from branches. Thorn pulled his jacket tighter around him and continued on. Eventually, the cabin came into view.

"Aisling, I'm home!" He hung his jacket up.

His little sister came bouncing down the stairs. "Did you find anything to eat?"

"Not this time. I might go out again later." He slumped down in a chair in the kitchen.

"Did you at least find something interesting?" She asked.

"I in fact did." Thorn said proudly.

"Oo, what?" Aisling looked like she was about to leap out of her skin.

"Two wolves."

"Wolves?!" She gasped excitedly. "Can I go see them? Please please please!"

"I don't think so." he ruffled her hair. "They might hurt you."

"I won't let them hurt me." Aisling bared her teeth.

"Well, I still promised Mom and Dad I would take care of you, so I can't let you see them." Thorn got up and went into the living room.

"When are Mom and Dad coming back?" Her small voice asked.

Thorn froze and sighed. He wished he could tell her the truth. "Soon, Ais, soon."

"You promise?"

"I promise."


Thorn rolled to face his wall again. He groaned. Why couldn't he sleep? Was it the conversation he had had with Aisling?

A crash suddenly came from the kitchen. He sat erect and leaped from his bed, grabbing his bow just in case.

"Aisling...?" he called cautiously.

He turned the corner and pointed the bow. The brown wolf from before raised it's head.

"What are you doing here?" he asked it.

It growled, baring it's teeth and advanced.

"I will shoot you. Like I did with your little friend." Thorn's hands shook.

His grip on the bow slipped. The wolf took the advantage and leaped on him. He fell on his back with a grunt. The wolf growled again and right as he lifted his hand to push it back, bit him.

"Ow, hey!" Thorn pushed himself back.

The wolf looked surprised. It glanced behind it, turned around and ran. He looked down at the bite and decided to follow it. He pulled himself up and sprinted after it with his bow.

"Slow down, you pest." he ran faster.

The wolf leaped over logs and bushes. He narrowed his eyes and pursued quickly. It wasn't going to be getting away this time. It stopped suddenly and jumped down a cliff. Thorn gasped and skidded to a stop. He looked over the edge and saw it disappear into a hole.

"Great. Of course it lives down there." He snorted and turned away.

The gray wolf left the forest before him with a limp rabbit in it's mouth. He froze. It hurried past him and leaped down like the brown one had.

"This day just keeps getting weirder." He sighed.


Thorn crawled back into bed with a yawn. He collapsed into his pillow and closed his eyes. The bite the wolf gave him glowed; a golden wolf face covered his own. He turned to the side. The outline of a wolf hovered over his body and planted four paws on the bed around it. Thorn opened his eyes and saw...himself?

"What the?" he jumped down from his bed and looked around.

Different colored lines ran every which way. He turned his head toward his sister's bed and even saw hers. He lifted his hand, but it wasn't a hand, it was a paw. He widened his eyes and tried to get a better look at himself. Aisling started getting up. Thorn tried to find somewhere to hide, but she was at him before he could.

"Thorn, did you find us a wolfie?" She asked.

He panicked. When she realized he wouldn't respond, or rather his body, she pulled away and looked up to his bed.

"Thorn? You're never usually this tired."

She glanced between his bed and him. An idea seemed to form in her head because she gasped.

"Wait, you _are_ Thorn!" she exclaimed. "I read about this. A Wolfwalker had to have bitten you!"

Thorn tilted his head. Aisling hurried to her bed and pulled a book from under her pillow. She flipped through the pages until she found the one she wanted.

"Ha!" She held it out for him to see. "Look, the entry says a Wolfwalker has to bite a human to turn them into one too. Where's the one that bit you?"

Thorn turned toward the door. He would lead her to that den he had found, even though that wasn't really _protecting_ her.

She followed him as he scampered through the forest. They eventually reached the den.

"It's here?" Aisling looked confused. "Where?"

The brown wolf suddenly attacked Thorn from behind. Aisling widended her eyes in horror.

"What are you doing back here?" The wolf growled. "It's because I bit you isn't it?"

"So you can talk." Thorn said. "I assume that's because I'm a wolf now?"

She got off of him. "Yeah, townie. Now explain why you're here."

"Townie?" Thorn got up and shook himself. "I don't live in any towns. Well, my sister and I don't."

"That your sister?" The wolf asked, pointing behind him.

Thorn twisted his head to where she was pointing. Aisling was on all fours, clearly trying to communicate.

"What? You guys don't understand me?" Aisling asked.

Thorn shook his head. Aisling frowned, sat and folded her arms. He turned back to the wolf.

"I'm Mebh." she barked. "The defender of these woods."

"Uh huh. Thorn, nice to meet you." He said. "I guess."

The gray wolf jumped up to where they were. "There you are, Mebh. Mother's getting worried."

Mebh bounced up and over to her. "I got us a new member, Robyn!"

Robyn glanced over at Thorn with perked ears. "We should be going back home."

Thorn sat and watched. Mebh and Robyn leaped down the cliff. He turned once they disappeared and went back over to Aisling.

"Back home?" she asked.

Thorn shook his head again. He might be small, but he could keep his sister warm. They would sleep here tonight, just for something different. Aisling seemed to understand. She laid down. Thorn wrapped himself around her as best he could and fell asleep.

When they woke up, they were in a warm cave, surrounded by sleeping black wolves.


(if you haven't heard of Wolfwalkers, which I can only assume most of you haven't, it's really good and you should definitely try to watch it.)

Apologies, realized too late I had no idea how I would actually end this lol

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