A Tapestry Of Reds

(tw: self harm)

My favorite artwork is the one on my legs

My thighs

One I never get bored of

I keep adding more to it

When one stroke disappears I add another

And another

And another

It’ll be the easiest to hide in the summer.

I don’t have to wear hoodies that my mom asks me

Aren’t you too hot in that?

Whenever I make a mistake

I revisit this tapestry

And add to it

It’s comforting

In a way.

Whenever I’m numb

(Most days these days)

I add to it

Because it’s better than actually doing

The work

That I need to get done.

Nobody knows about it

And maybe

That’s part of the reason

It’s so comforting

This one part of my life

That belongs

To only me

And nobody else.

It doesn’t seem like a problem to me

Maybe I’m so far gone

Maybe it’s ok.

It’s not like I scar myself

It’s just the only thing

Keeping me alive.

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