Trouble Times Two; Chapter 2.

((I decided to make it that Fin and Audie already knew each other before meeting the Mad Dogs {TMNT}))


A small golden collie mutant crouched down in the soft grass, his tail swaying side as he watched his opponent.

The young red squirrel girl fiddled with a piece of the lush grass, mumbling to herself in an oblivious daze.

"Squirrels... my favorite play toy." the collie growled, and then he sprung up into the air, pinning the squirrel down.

"What in the world, Fin!?" The squirrel hissed, rubbing her head. Fin laughed heartily, getting off of the squirrel. "Sorry, Audie. I was just dying to hunt something, ya know?"

Audie shook her head, giving him a soft glare. "No. I don't, I'm a squirrel! Did you learn anything in school? Squirrels don't hunt."

Fin laughed once more, playfully batting Audie's arm. "Nope. My teacher was lazy."

The two's playful quickly ended when a deep, smooth laugh was heard behind them. "Well, well, well. Isn't it the little jerks who destroyed my lab last week." The voice growled, it's footsteps moving closer.

Fin and Audie's hearts leaped into their chest as they slowly turned around. There, a tall, lanky marble fox yokai stood behind them, an evil grin on his face.

"Oh- Master Florian, what a pleasure to see you again." Fin said, his tone flat and sarcastic. Audie nudged his shoulder and whispered in his ear; "Fin! Don't make him even more angry, we already tore up his accident, of course, but still!"

Florian clicked his tongue, stepping closer to the two young mutants. “Now there’s no escape, and you’ll _have_ to face the consequences of what you’ve done.”

Audie clung onto Fin, silently begging him to not lash out. The young pup shook her off, and she flew to the ground. “Alright, foxy! I’m not letting you hurt my friend! You’ll have to get through me first.” He growled, lunging forward and grabbing onto the fox’s tail with his teeth.

Florian shrieked and picked him up by the scruff of his neck. “My oh my, we’ve got a feisty one here.~” He snickered looking him in the eyes. “You’ll be an excellent minion once I’m done with you.”

Audie cowered in the grass, not wanting to join in the fight. It wasn’t in her nature, she let all the craziness be Fin’s thing.

“Hey!” A voice boomed from behind Audie, “let the dog go!” The voice was loud and intimidating, but Audie felt comfort in it, unlike the voice of Florian.

Audie looked behind her two see two turtle mutants, one masked in blue and the other in red. The red one was significantly larger than the blue one, but he looked less- well, cocky than the other one.

Florian rolled his eyes, dropping Fin to the ground and the poor pup winced, blood dripping from his mouth. “Ugh, what do _you_ want, Mutant Brats.” Florian hissed, taking out his staff.

“We want you to stop pestering innocent mutants.” The blue one growled, lunging forward with his swords in hand. Florian laughed and clicked his staff into the ground, disappearing in a blink of an eye. “I’ll be back, Brats.” Florian growled before disappearing.

“Ha! Looks like Foxy couldn’t handle a fight.” The red turtle boasted, placing a hand on the blue turtle’s head.

Audie sat there in the grass, a slightly impressed and horrified look on her face. Fin wobbled up to her, blood still dripping from his muzzle. “That fox…is a jerk…” Fin groaned, plopping onto the grass next to her.

She chuckled, patting her head, and then gazed up at the turtle mutants. The red one turned around, noticing her and Fin. “Ah— hello.” He said, smiling as he helped them up.

“Why’d that fox dude leave as soon as you came?” Fin asked, brushing himself off. The two turtles shrugged, “I guess he was afraid to fight. Probably worried we’d break his _precious_ staff.”

Fin nodded slightly, still looking curious, while Audie just looked drained from so much talking. “I’m Fin, and this is my friend Audie.” Fin said, his golden tail wagging happily.

The red turtle grinned, “nice to meet you, Fin. I’m Raph, and this is Leo.” Raph gave a playful nudge to Leo, and he smirked.

Audie scratched her head, feeling awkward, “so— uh… thanks for ‘saving’ us, I suppose.” She chirped, looking slightly nervous.

Fin laughed, nudging his friend. “You’re such a Nervous Nelly, Audie!” He teased. “I am not!” Audie groaned, batting his ear. The two began to bicker like siblings, and Leo laughed at the two.

“You remind me so much of us. Say, do you two have a home?” Leo asked curiously, and Raph elbowed him, realizing where he was going with this.

Fin stopped, his tail drooping. “Uh- no, not exactly. We just sort of hang out here, ya know?” Fin mumbled, fiddling with his paws.

Leo looked at Raph, a huge smirk on his face. Raph shook his head “no” but of course, Leo didn’t care, and said it anyways. “How about you stay with us, we’ve got plenty of room.” Fin and Audie’s faces lit up, while Raph just groaned.

“Leo, we already have to other mutants living in our Lair, along with our brothers, I don’t think we need more.” He began, but was stopped when Leo put a finger to his lip, gesturing towards the adorable, puppy eyed Audie and Fin.

At that moment, Raph cracked, and let out a sigh. “Fine—-“ Leo, Audie, and Fin all jumped with joy, and Leo scooped up the two friends softly, heading for the manhole.

“I knew you’d say yes! And besides, even if you didn’t, I never listen to you anyways~!” Leo laughed teasingly, and Raph groaned. He could already tell their home was about to get _way_ more chaotic…


✍️Writer’s Note✍️

EEEEEE!!! I loved writing this part so much, and I honestly liked it better than the first. Audie and Fin are such a charming lil duo 🩷

I tried to master the Turtle’s personalities better, but if I messed anything up, please tell me!

Fun facts: the name “Florian” means flower, so I chose the name for irony: it’s such a sweet and gentle name, yet Florian himself is a harsh, cruel man but yet very charming. Also, the name is of French (and a few other countries) origins, so I sort of imagine him having a French accent, which I’m sure none of y’all care about but it’s just a lil head cannon. :3 Florian was once like a really sweet guy, but his wife was killed by mutants and now he has a bitterness towards all mutants, even his own adoptive daughter, Colette and Bridget Siu. (Bridget is dead btw 🥲 I love making my characters suffer. 😅)

Anyways, love y’all, and have a blessed day/night! 💝

Also I’m posting at midnight because my last one got shadow banned so I couldn’t post again until now 😭

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