Warmth in the Ice

Write a story, poem, descriptive passage, or short scene, which uses this theme.

As It Shouldn’t Be

Warmth in the ice

Chills in the fire

The ice steals the life

The fire burns the nerves

Which is less painful?

Which end is better to meet?

Air in the sky

Water in the sea

Equipment fails and fall damage is on

Equipment fails and the pressure increases

Who is at fault?

Who made these things?

Selfishness in power

Vulnerable in kindness

The powerful oppress the unpowerful

The kind are taken advantage of

Is there a point in being kind?

Is it the strong who survive?

“I do what I hate

What I love I don’t do”

My mind betrays my heart

My soul cries out for freedom

Can I ever change?

Can I ever be redeemed?

Blind in the light

Sight in the dark

The more you see the less you understand

The less you know the safer you are

Should knowledge be pursued?

Should ignorance be bliss?

What is the meaning?

When is it right?

Where is the truth?

Why do we fall?

How should it be?

It is as it shouldn’t be

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