
I would be a great seamstress.

I weave very well,

I could spin something, from nothing,

I could make gold from straw.

I’m quite like Rumpelstiltskin.

Nobody knows my name.

I’ll offer you my friendship,

My services,

But if you get too close I’ll run away.

I’m selfish too.

It’ll come at a price.

Don’t you know I must be everything to you?

As you are to me?

Don’t you know the rules

Of the game I am playing?

Guess my name,

I dare you.

No one has got it right.

No knows what’s under layers

Of faces and manipulations,

What I’m truly like.

I haven’t seen my true reflection

In a long long time.

But it must’ve have been quite bad,

To set the whole city alight.


If you look close enough,

If you look so carefully,

You’ll see that it still is.

There’s nothing magic about my golden string.

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