'The truth finally came to light.'
Write a poem which ends with this line.
The Truth Comes To Light
Everything that I thought I know
It’s aborting
Deserting me
Every truth that I thought was true
Has just became dead leaves on the ground
Has gone wild
What if the things I see are not as they seem
Impossible yet clear
How could I ever deny it
I only believed what was right in front me
Think what I could see
The betrayal you portrayed
I wanna say it’s all fake but
No other explanation don’t really explain
So no matter how insane it may seem
You are left with only
The cold hard truth
It can’t be changed
You can try
Turn it round
Flip it inside out
Turn it off and on
Rearrange it
But ignoring only leaves scars
So I remind you
Never forget the way things are
A part of misses how I used to be
How I used to think
Someone get me out syncs
A wish I wants a different me
Not so critical not so cynical
But you’re willing to risk it all
Just to final the odds
So even if I have to define the gods
I will win this pointless war
The cold hard truth
You can’t change it
You can try
Turn it round
Upside down
Flip it Inside out
Turn it on or off
Rearrange it
But ignoring it only leaves scars
So when I leave and die I remind you never forget
They way things are
Frame by frame
I see these moving in black and white
Shot by shot
Second by second
Just me and all these lies
The cold hard truth the way things are
You can’t change it
Even when it seems so bizarre
You can’t change
Ignoring the cold hard truth
Only leaves scars
So no matter what they may try
Shake the heavens
Shatter the sky’s
Today I may die
But not before the truth comes to light