The Second Time

I put on my soft pink blush on my cheeks then grab my bag and head out the door, today is my first date and i’m so excited! While I get in my mom’s car I start brushing my long golden blonde hair. “Wish you luck Kaliya” mom said waving to me as I step into the restaurant.


This restaurant is like none i’ve been to, it’s pretty empty and quiet, but I shake that off, I want this to be the perfect first date! “Have you made a reservation?” The lady behind the counter said as she tied her apron around her waist. “Oh, yes it’s under Kaliya Faith,” I said “i’m just waiting for one more person” I say looking around, “Okay you can take a seat if you’d like” the lady said pointing to the bench as she asked the next person in line if they had a reservation.


“Oh yes Kaliya Faith? She’s right here” the lady said looking at me, “Hi” I said confused about who she was talking to, “Hey, Kaliya Faith right? I’m Noah Louis” he said reaching out his hand, I reached out my hand back and shook it… but when I looked up at him, thats when it hit me.. I knew him from somewhere, I know that brown curly hair and those blue eyes, I’ve seen him before, I just know it.


“Have I .. have I seen you before?” I said eager to know

“Uhm.. No” He replied back trying hiding his voice

“Oh, okay” I said already getting strange feelings about him


I infact did know him.. he was that kid that went missing from the school! My teachers wouldn’t tell me why because of some “personal reasons” but I always wanted to know..

“So, uhm..what are your interests?” I said to him.. wow not a very good conversation starter..

He scratched his head before he talked “I mean I like soccer?” He said still not looking up. Thats when I confessed to him, “I know you, you know how, because your the kid that went missing in 7th grade, your the popular kid that every girl liked” I said

“I had reasons for going missing!” He said loudly, and since the restaurant was pretty quiet, everyone was staring at us. “I’m sorry,” I say hiding myself

“It’s fine..look if you really want to know I can tell you” He said finally looking up from the menu

“Okay” I said looking into his blue eyes

“I didn’t go missing..” he said cutting off

“I-“ he stopped

“You what!?” I demanded, but he didn’t respond, “Uhm.. Noah?” I said getting up from my seat to go towards him, his eyes where open, his mouth was open, but he wasn’t breathing..

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