
I should have checked

the weather forecast.

I should have brought an umbrella.

I should


be out

in the woods

But here I am

As the rain starts to fall

And the thunder is in the distance

Rumbling away.

I’m far into the words too

The hike out

Will take a while.

The woods both

Soothe and scare me.

The juxtaposition of those

Feelings creates an unease

But also a pleasant sensation.

Thunder also makes me feel

Both soothed and scared.

But isn’t that what life is a bit like?

Being both soothed by the rhythm of life

But also scared by its unpredictability.

Life is a thunderstorm.

Life is being deep in the woods.

Wandering around.

Trying to find your way

But breathing nature in.

If only I looked at my weather app

I wouldn’t be out here now.

With thunder comes lightning.

With life comes sparks and fury.

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