Writing Prompt
The lightning strikes, It’s very close. I run and run, So close to home. The rain streamed down my clothes, The dropplets pelting me as I ran, The lightning struck again, Even closer this time. I got to the house amd twisted the handle, It was locked, The door was locked! No, no, no! I ran around to the back door, It’s locked too. I was trapped in the rain, Water dripping down my clothes.
“I’m scared, momma.” The little girl clutched her mother, big eyes locked onto the dark sky above her.
“Why, little dove?” The mother whispered.
“The sky’s yelling at me.” As if on cue, lighting and thunder struck again, making the girl jump. The mother giggled. “It’s not screaming at you, love. It’s mourning with you. It’s trying to show you that it can cry too, so you’re not alone anymore.”
The girl looked at the photo in her lap. “But I’m not alone, momma. You’re right in my lap, see?”
The mother’s face didn't smile, but the child heard it in the whispers inside her ear. “And always will be, little dove.”
Rain poured down upon me
The sun was no where to be found
Only clouds of grey were visible
Large puddles on the ground
Tears mixed with water of the sky
As the door handle rattles
And the lock staying firmly sealed
I had to fight my own battles
Pounding to see if anyone was there
I stood there crying out for someone anywhere
Thunder clapping and lightning striking the ground
I was alone, and nowhere to be found
I smell like a rat; My hair’s all wet and stringy, My clothes stick damp to my skin, Please, just… LET! ME! IN!
I feel like Antarctica; The wind slaps at my face, My feet? I can’t even begin, Please, just… LET! ME! IN!
Tap tap, bang bang bang, boom; My hands thump the oak violently, The thunder rumbling amongst the drenched ruins, Please, just… LET! ME! IN!
I swear I’m gonna die; Pneumonia and Hypothermia are fighting over me, My last ounce of sanity is wearing thin, Please, just… LET! ME! IN!
My life flashes before my eyes; The cold subsides into warm sheets, The fear-stricken tears damp my cheeks, And only then, I realize it was all a dream.
I see a flash, I hear a rumble; I think the storm has followed me, My ears, they burn red hot of it, And then, I see it, begging to be let in.
Wind whirled As ran poured Safety none could find But a low narrow ditch Of what little shelter it did bring When thunder gave its loud deafening ring Then a bright light flashed before my eyes with a crackling sound it lit the ground All old and dry soon did die when the fire sparked Safe not so sure but glad to not choose the birch tree for that tree died in the fire smoke did arise and buried my eyes felt the flames But feeling no pain. Glad I am not stuck at sea for when the storm ways over a red sky did cover the clouds Then remembered an old saying Pink sky at night sailors delight Red sky in the morning sailors warning
In the rain we stand, hand in hand, Our love like a down, wild and grand. Each droplet that falls, a kiss from above, As we dance together, our hearts full of love.
The raindrops caress our skin, soft and sweet, As we surrender to passion, our bodies meet. The rhythm of the storm matches our desire, Igniting a flame that burns higher and higher.
With every touch, we're drenched but not wet, For our love keeps us warm, there's no need to fret. We're soaked in affection, our souls intertwine, In this moment of bliss, the rain is our sign.
The thunder applauds, the lightning strikes, Nature celebrates our love, it ignites. With each raindrop's melody, our love does grow, In this symphony of passion, our spirits glow.
So let us embrace the rain's gentle embrace, As we create memories, no one can erase. For in the rain, our love forever remains, A testament to the beauty that love contains.
I don’t like umbrellas I’m more myself when it rains
Frizzy hair, damp clothes We’re all equal in the rain’s eyes On a rainy day It’s ok to do less Our masks wash away Soaking our skin with cool reminders that We’re human
I don’t like umbrellas Because when it rains Even if brief I sigh with relief
I don’t need protection, I’m parched Thirsty every day For expectations to wash away
Our excursion leads us to nowhere, A mere limbo in our minds, The once vibrant trees' hues fading, But as the sizzling heat is calming, We approach hands held modestly, Into the world's dark lair.
The elements mixed carefully, Into God's seasonal solution, Maintaining disorder, A creation of destruction, A sweet taste of the Earth's bitterness.
Quickly it spreads, Tears rolling through the still landscape, Breaths so delightful and chilling, Until the overdose of the body, Leaves the delight behind.
Perhaps it is to cope, With the world's internal struggles, A fierce reminder of our deaths and lifes, As so determined by it, And our ignorance and boasts, Of assumed power.
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