Write the story that led to this image
The only difference is the blood.
I was running. No time to think about anything. Just run. Don't question why.
"Your just doing your job" a little voice in my head said.
"Your not a bad person"
As I chased the target down in the woods I slowly assured myself that I was a good person even though deep down I know it's not true.
I threw one of my blades at the target and hit them in the back making them fall to the ground with a thud.
I pulled my knife out of their back. I turned them over and tried not to look at their face. This one hurt more then the rest. Yet I couldn't figure out why.
I slit their throat quickly with precision
I dragged the body out of the woods and disposed of it.
I went home and yelled into the house, "honey I'm home!"
No response.
"Honey?" I yelled again this time with more worry in my voice.
I started looking around the house for her.
It was then I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life.
I looked at a picture of me and her together smiling, that was laying on the counter.
The only difference was the blood.