“Ohh Well For The Interior!”

The westerlies blow like a mighty lions roar as I walked silently through the beach grass. The beach grass is the best dancer on this side of Biloxi. The grass dances as though it has something to be joyful about every day. It swiftly rises and falls on my ankles as I look towards the Gulf. Never know quite what the weathers going to down here in Mississippi. I see some small sand crabs as I walk down to the pier. I play with my necklace as I go fiddling with the crest on it. It’s a Peculiar crest, A trident with water splashing around it as if it has a bubble so it can’t be harmed. Not even by the water. My mother gave it to me. Never knew her but she knew her trinkets which is why she left me alone with a whole shop full of them when she died.

I didn’t even know I had stoped walking until I looked up. A marvelous and wonderful piano sat right on the beach. Right where the land and sea meet. The sand gracefully sweeps up around the legs of it but the peddles have a spot dug out just for them to peek from the sand. I walk around the beautiful piano and caress the carvings around it. I try to open the lid but it’s locked. Then I see it the carving, right over the piano lid. The one on the necklace. The one mom gave me! But this one was in a small hole. I rip my necklace off and look up and down the beach for people. When the coast is clear I put my necklace on its matching mark. It goes in with a satisfying “Click” and just like that the lid opens. The keys are bleached with seafoam green swirls on them with little seashells on them. I fit my fingers on the keys and start to play.

I start with a soft slow tune and the oceans waves calm. Like it want to hear the song I play. I finish off the small soft part and plunge into a deep conquering masterpiece that was lost to time. I look back at the ocean with a smile but I quickly drop it when I see the sea’s churning and there’s storm clouds overhead. I stop afraid the bottom will fall out and it stops. All of it does. The clouds stop and the sea stops churning. I stop noticing what’s happening. I loud chest rumbling note and thunder snaps back at me. I play a happy cheerful note and the sea comes up to swirl around my toes. I start play again and I can’t stop. I won’t stop. The wind and waves and tide at my disposal.

And I know exactly what I will do with it. I shut my eyes and picture my Exs car sitting in his drive way. A very nice red Corvette shinned up and everything with the roof off. I capture it perfectly. A huge storm swirls overhead as the wind picks up. Then the rain comes hard and fast on the car. “Ohh well for the interior!” I think and the wind picks up.

The palm trees sway side to side until it falls on it with a satisfying “CRUNCH” of glass. I open my eyes before I get too carried away and there’s nothing left. I look to the ocean and stand up. I raise my hands and Stretch good and hard before I walk away.

“Ohh well for the interior!” I say aloud.

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