Forever Always

My wrist were starting to itch from the rope around them. And it was pretty damn annoying. Abigail paced in front of me with a crowbar clutched tightly in her hand. It’s been hours since she kidnapped me here and I was getting pretty hungry.

“You mind getting me food?” I asked.

Abigail looked up with confusion, “What?”

I stared at her, “I’m hungry.”

She steps forward and whacks me on the side with the crowbar. I yelled a string of curses at her and gritted my teeth when the pain passed. Abigail watched me with satisfaction in her gaze. Her dark brown eyes glittering with madness. I looked down at my jeans, my black hair hiding my face.

“Maybe you don’t understand what’s happening Ian, but I’m about to kill you. And no one is going to find your body.” Abigail says slowly, like I was too slow to understand her.

I rolled my eyes, “For God’s sake Abigail! You’ve kept me here forever. Just do it already.”

In truth, I didn’t want to die. I still had so much ahead of me with hockey and highschool. Dating this girl was probably the worse thing I could’ve done. But I learned a long time ago that acting like you didn’t care, might just play to your advantage.

Abigail narrowed her eyes, “I already know you’re lying. I’ll give you five minutes to convince me not to kill you.

I took a deep breath. Maybe she isn’t as crazy as I thought.

YOU’RE BOUND AND LOCKED IN A ROOM THAT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT! That little voice in my head says.

“Okay. You shouldn’t kill me becuase I wasn’t part of the prank the guys did to you.”

Abigail hits my with the crowbar again, “Liar.”

I panted hard, “Truly I wasn’t! I knew they were doing it and I know I should’ve told them not to, but I still had no part in it.”

“How do I know if you’re telling then truth. Your friends hurt me and…” Her voice broke off.

I tried to twist my face into a mask of empathy the best I could. The truth was I did plan part of it. But I didn’t think it would unlock Abigail’s inner psychological madness. I just needed to get out of this alive and mostly unharmed. Although how hard she was hitting me, I knew that my ribs were bruised at the least.

“I know. And I’m sorry they did that to you,” I lied, “But killing me isnt going to fix it. Actually it might make things worse. The boys will know that I’m gone and all fingers point to you. And then they’ll come at you ten fold!”

Abigail thought this over, “So how do I get back at them. Because killing you would be very nice.”

“We can prank them back!” I said quickly, “And I’ll get back with you. We can be Abi and Ian again.”

Abigail was already nodding. I knew that she wanted to get back with me almost as much as she wanted to kill me.

“You promise?” She whispered.

I nodded, “Forever always.”

She walked towards me and took my face in her hands. And then her cold slimy lips are on mine.

I really can’t describe the feeling of having to kiss your would-be-murderer. The best I could put it was overwhelming disgust.

But my life depended on it.

So I kissed her back.

Within minutes she’s cut the ropes that we’re binding me and is holding my hand. Like she didn’t beat me with the crowbar now hidden behind the pile of ropes. Like she didn’t almost kill me.

“Alright Ian. Let’s go get back at your friends.”

And then she practically dragged me out the room and into the dark night.


Thank you so much for reading my short story!! I would love your feedback so that I can improve my writing! So if you can, please leave a comment :) Again thank you! <3

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