Grasping At What?

He looks so amazing

And perfectly healthy.

I wonder what he would think of my being insane.

It makes me more interesting, doesn’t it?

More dynamic?

But if he’s perfect why would he choose someone flawed?

I have so many flaws…

I know that I don’t know that he’s perfect.

He looks happy but it’s hard to tell through a screen.

I don’t know why it even bothers me.

My dream will never come to fruition.

It’s not like I’ll ever even meet him.

So what does it matter?

Why go through this?

I think a part of me just wants to be good enough for him.

Not him in specifics,

But someone like him.

Someone that I like.

Right now that’s him.

I have a need to be liked,

A need for validation.

I’m not sure when it started,

But it’s been around for a long time.

I can’t help my crushes.

I can’t help but wonder…

Could they even like me?

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