Write a story about a character who is torn between loyalty to their family and loyalty to their best friend.
Family Ties
“Mr Fin. How are you doing today?” A familiar voice lulled him away from watching his two young girls playing on the swing and trampoline outside.
“I’m fine” He replies, watching Kasey and Casey jumping up together.
Their laughter is all he can hear for a few seconds, echoing through his mind. As the follow each other in perfect harmony as they jump.
“What are your girls doing today?” The annoying voice continues, yet he doesn’t turn.
“They are both outside, enjoying the beautiful weather. A slight breeze is blowing but they will be fine”
Outside the window a large oak tree’s leaves ruffle every few seconds. Content, he sighs lounging further on the couch.
“Is your wife cooking?” He asks and in that moment he realizes his excitement has blocked the rest of the world out.
“Yes she is. Do you smell the baked macaroni and cheese.” A smile crosses his mind and for a spilt second he can see his much younger self. Fighting his cousin for cheese cubes as they cut them away from the block. “It’s my grandmother’s recipe “
“It smell’s delightful!”
“She’s a great cook, very beautiful. I snagged me a good one” He beamed looking down at his wedding ring. “It’s been six years together, soon I think. I always forget the date”
“Most men do. Call it a habit”
“So what brings you to my home?” He questions, finally looking over at the man. Who is fairly well dressed in a button up t-shirt and slacks.
“Just came over here to see you and your family. My son Tommy went to school with Kasey. Misses her something fierce” The man chuckled sadly. “I think he might have had a school boy crush on her”
“Ohhh did he switch out of her classes?”
“I’m sorry. What’s happening now?” He asks but Mr. Fin looks out the window to see the girls running off the swing and into the house.
He hears the door open and close. While there elephant like steps echo throughout the wood floored house.
“Settle down you two” He warns with a lively fatherly look.
Neither of them can be heard now. Only whispers as he leans over the couch to hear.
“Happy Birthday Daddy!!” All three of their voices start to sing the birthday song in unison. Tears start to roll down his face. “I love you guys”
“I got cake hunny. But I forgot your favorite chocolate ice cream.”
“We should go get some?” Kasey adds in looking at her father, unaffected by the silent sobbing.
“No please!” He shudders, uncontrollably weeping now.
“It’s ok…. Mr. Fin your alright “
“I’m not alright, his anger spikes and he’s lost to the memories.
Everyone piling into the car, the breeze starting to pick up as they hit the city’s main road. Down pouring rain as Walmarts sign light up the afternoon street.
“Hunny watch!” Then tumbling, crying….
“She’s screaming…. The girls are silent…. It’s not a good sign…. “ He’s cowering in the palms of his hands. “We’re upside down but the car is still sliding….”
“The river….” The man adds in as Mr Fin hears the splash. Water’s starting to rush in his wife’s cracked window. Red is flowing out from somewhere, baking the car making it nearly impossible as he reaches for the door and the seat belt.
“Sir are you ok?” Another unfamiliar male voice calls out and he starts to cough violently. Water comes vomiting from his mouth as he rolls over on the blacktop. A semi truck is hanging from the bridge above, rain splatters the water as a younger teen boy runs to him.
“Dad I’m sorry. I couldn’t get anyone else out” He drops to his knees.
“My girls!” He cries out into the heavens, tears staining the white shirt as he looks up at the main across the room.
The man looks overwhelmed by the events as he spoke them.
“I’m very sorry for your loss” He reaches outward toward Mr Fin but he just slumps back onto the couch.
“If I would have just enjoyed the cake…” The words broken by more sobs. “They would be here!”
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