Write a poem about a window that is stuck open and can't be closed.

What does this window represent in the poem?

Half Of Me

She took half of me

The half that laughed when she fell

The half that was never bothered when people made fun of her

Or when her friends would leave her out

The half that was good

The half that I needed

She took it

I know she’s there somewhere

Trying to find her way back to me

In the shadows of whom took her

She is trying to find the light

The light that let her in

That let in the full of her

The good full of her

The version of her who helped her friends

Who didn’t cry all the time

Who could live without guilt and sadness

Who didn’t need to tear up her skin all the time

The good version

She stole that version

Only half escaped

The damaged half

The “bad” half

The half that cries all the time

The half that cares too much

The half that lives with guilt and sadness

So much she rips up her body

To see the relief of blood

The half that slams her door

The half that stays awake thinking

That version of her made it out

The bad version

Not the hopeful version

Or the kind version

So she sits there in her bed

Pondering at night

If she will ever reconnect

With her missing half

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