Inspire by Grégorienne
A person who is good at everything, other than expressing their emotions, begins to fall in love.
Writing from this character's perspective, how do they handle it?
2 Years And A Month Or So
(These are two poems I wrote that kinda fit the prompt, one from about 6 months and one a few days ago.)
The thing about loving
So… what’s it like to be in love? As someone who is deeply in love with someone else I’m terrified of the answer.
Everyone who I could ask Well tell me she’s Straight.
When I ask her She tell me she doesn’t want a Relationship.
She’d hate me if she knew, I’ve tried to move on but E v e r y t i m e s h e t o u c h e s m e M y h e a r t b e a t s s o f a s t A n d i d o n t k n o w w h a t T o d o e x c e p t p r e t e n d T h a t
I don’t like her like that. And so, Maybe I don’t.
Something about loving…
Being in love is like coffee
It helps you get up in the morning
But can give you anxiety if you have too much.
It’s normalized, told it’s good for you
But can lead to an addiction.
Or maybe being in love is like coral
It helps others thrive
But not many are quite sure what it is.
Loving you was like one of those popcorn ceilings
No one really wants it there
But as time goes on you don’t mind as much.
Or maybe loving you was like a pencil
No matter how much I tried to sharpen my resolve
It just dulls over time.
It can create beautiful things
But is easily erased.
You weren’t good for me
I wasn’t good for you
Maybe I won’t know if you ever felt the same
But I think being friends
Is pretty cool after all.