Mother’s Love

Any mom can say the words “I love you”

It doesn’t take some language arts degree

To say whatever to your newborn babe

For they’re too young to discern your intent

But to learn the meaning of the word “love”

They watch the things you do, not what you say

They define love by the way you show it

So it’s your job to teach them what it is

You can show them that love is ignoring

Love is doors slamming and resentful screams

They’ll believe that love is meant to hurt you

If you show them that’s the way that it is

Or you can show love with gentle whispers

Ears that listen, and arms that hold and sooth

Sunny smiles even when the sky is gray

They’ll see saftey anywhere that you are

Then one day when someone says “I love you”

They’ll know exactly what those three words mean

Mom said love is kind and love is gentle

So they will know to expect nothing less

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