
I lay down

on the bench

which makes me think

of a coffin

my mind goes 6ft under

and a little silver casket appears

with red cushion

Carrying a cold body

a body which loved others

but not themselves

a body with new and old marks

to show how difficult life is

a body with cold eyes

to show what happens when you trust

a little too much

a body which used to be alive

and excited

which is now cold

and dead

no trace of life ever being there

Above the ground

above the body

are flowers

lilacs and hibiscus

roses and orchids

crocus and bluebells

all lying on the stone

that marks the hole

where the coffin is buried

the trees in the distance

blowing along to the cold wind

the willow tree’s leaves

re growing on the tree

preparing for spring

and the stone

the stone which holds the souls name

and who they were

who they used to be

but this name is blurry

and smudged

after being through everything

this name is fading away

but you can still see

where the letters were carved

The L and the E

the X which never marked treasure

no treasure besides love for others

The I which was never talked about

not enough

because others were more important

and the E

which had been everything for everyone

but nothing for themselves

have you figured out

who this soul was?

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