Personify your favourite song into a character.

How you choose to do this is up to you; it may help to feature some of the language used in the song, or to think about the tone and meaning of it.

Digital Silence

{Digital Silence} A grouchy teen Who sees the world Through a cracked lense Sees only the problems But never the mends Dosnet get the answers To the questions in her mind Sits alone and wonders all the time Dants about life, Politics, and fantasy Dreaming of one day being a queen But in reality she looks out a window At the cracked world ahead She sees nothing but existential dread Why dont people understand She would ask They hurt the people They force things They break us But she didnt see the fixes The mends nor the glue She older saw the problems More than one or two She saw the world theough a broken lense That no glue was ever strong enough to fix
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