Can you hear me now?
No one listens
To my pleas of help
as i scream in pain
no one listens when I say it hurts
no one listens when I say its getting bad again
Never has anyone listened when i cry
when i cry in agony
and in anger
Someone listens
only to tell me I am wrong
No one listens
no one cares
no one notices
nk one noticed my increasingly long showers
or my constant frown
no one noticed my lack of motivation
no one noticed when i stopped doing homework
and when i sat in bed all day
no one listens
no one cares
no one notices
No one cares that I am in pain
who cares that I am always sick
Who cares how often i sleep
or how often my joints swell and muscles tense
no one cares about me
not at all
no one listens
no one cares
no one notices
No one cared until the day I stopped talking
No one noticed until the day I ran away
No one cared until they got the call
No one heard me until my crys were heard by a doctor
No one heard me for 16 years
No one heard me until I nearly died
No one heard me until it was almost to late
But let me ask you this,
Can you hear me now?