Submitted by ivy luna

Write a story from the perspective of a character who has just done something horrible, and is trying to justify their actions.

Tell Me

“Would you like a Coke or maybe a Sprite?”

Chris still wouldn’t look at them. He hadn’t looked at anyone since they brought him in. Over four hours of head down and holding his scrawny legs tight to his chest, Chris barely moved. He hadn’t spoken either, so no attorney. That was a good thing.

Thad noticed Chris’ nails bitten to the quick; how pale his knuckles were straining to hold himself together with his bare hands. Thad noticed everything. The detective turned to his partner.

“Melanie, will you run out and get us a sack of burgers and fries. You like fries, son?”

Startled by Thad’s kindly tone, Chris glanced over. Quickly Chris snapped his head down.

“Yeah, everybody likes fries. They’re God’s gift to mankind. Grab burgers, fries, one order of onion rings for good measure, and a black and white milkshake for Chris. It’s been hours. I’m starving. Grab yourself something too, a salad or something,” Thad said, fishing in his pockets for his wallet.

“I’m your partner not your assistant. I don’t run your errands, Thaddeus. Get one of the uniforms to do a dinner run. I’m a detective, if you don’t remember,” Melanie said, her speech hot and fast.

“All I remember is that I am the senior officer and what I say goes,” Thad said. “Drop off a blanket before you head out.

Thad flipped his credit card at Melanie’s face. She caught the card as it slapped her cheek. Opening and closing her mouth, Melanie flushed red and then stomped out of the interrogation room. The door slammed. Thad turned to the closed door and chuckled. From the corner of his eye, Thad saw Chris look up at him.

Thad mumbled loudly, “Damn DEI hire but I like to see her walk away.”

Chris chuckled but then put his head down again and went silent. With a neutral expression, Thad studied the younger man, noting his shoulders relaxing; how Chris’ back leaned into the chair. The door opened and Melanie threw a folded blanket at the back of Thad’s head. She slammed the door again. Chuckling, Thad picked up the blanket and shook it.

“Ladies get so emotional, take everything to heart, quick to cop an attitude, quick to play the victim,” Thad muttered. “Am I right?”

Open armed as if about to give a hug, Thad carried the blanket to the other side of the interrogation room. The detective draped the blanket around the suspect. Thad took care to make sure Chris was covered.

“Yeah, you have to hold yourself back. Men have to stay cool, hands to ourselves or we’re the bad guy,” Chris said.

“Tell me about it. I can tell you’re a good kid, a stand up guy. A lot of guys would have just hauled ass when their girl got knocked up. But you stayed, looked for work. I know you helped with the baby and helped around her mom’s house. Tell me your side, man,”

“It was bananas. Just nag, nag. I had to ask her mom for everything. Even just fifteen minutes to the freaking Wawa. Emma was always mad or tired or working. Nothing I did was ever right. Man, I couldn’t take her mouth. Yeah we fought like things got physical. But she gave as good as she got. She was a big girl,” Chris said tucking the blanket under his chin. “Can they turn down the AC?”

“Sure thing. And when your girl came up pregnant again I mean that hard. Tell me your side, man,” Thad said, leaning closer.

The detective kept his posture loose and his voice warm as Chris detailed his final fight with Emma. On the other side of the one way mirror Melanie and the district attorney watched and listened.

“So where did you put them, Chris? I understand things got out of hand. Tell me about it.”

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