
Ever since we’ve met I’ve felt like I’ve had this invisible attraction

Life without you was nothing but pain but that was past tense

Than you came in and loved it all away I still question how it happened

My heart races at the thought of your warm embrace

You made me cry tears of joy for the first time in my life just yesterday

I enjoy every conversation we have I look forward to every word you say

You’re the perfect distraction from the cruelty of reality

If I could live my life again knowing I’ll meet you in the end I’ll gladly accept everything

Just to know you’ll save me from myself

When I’m not the type to ask for help

You give me peace in a world no different from hell

Without you I’d be sinking deeper into self destruction

And I know that’s a scary thought but I’m just being honest

Without you I’d be alone and lost

That’s why everyday I’m grateful you came into my life

Always thank god because he couldn’t have sent you at a better time

Seems we both need each other

I’ve been trying to heal your pain and you’ve been thawing and mending my heart

The more we talk the harder it gets to stay apart

I’m highly codependent on you but you don’t fear me you see it as a tribute of my love while I see it as a major flaw

I feel like as long as your by my side whatever life throws at me I’ll be able to get through it all

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