Stranger Danger

I never cared about the myth behind the formation of the Halloween day. And now I know. The true terror that has found a place inside my heart. It was stormy that night on October 31st 20XX. I was outside without an umbrella. Rain swallowed me wholly as I was rushing to get home. Even just to the nearby houses with a roof, so I could wait for the rain to lighten up and rush home. Other people rushed to their way with umbrella held high above their heads, avoiding the aggressive rain that was pouring onto our city. I stood under a not-so-usuful-place-to-hide-the-rain area. My hair were all drenched and uncomfortably wet. This is why I hate raining day. I should have always carry an umbrella with me whenever I go outside. The clouds doesn’t look like it’s gonna cease the rain anytime soon. I stood there for hours and hours until there’s not a single person left. They had all gone home, well and comfortable. And here I was, all disgusted with wet clothing and hair.

That’s when I saw a stranger figure with an umbrella coming toward me. He was wearing all black with a hint of teal on his coat. As he walked closer to me, I begin to see more of what he’s looks like. This stranger is indeed very strange. I thought.

He came and stopped in front of me. I looked and greeted him casually.

He… doesn’t look like human. I widened my eyes as I glimpsed at him the second time.

He just stood there looking at me in a creepy way with his umbrella over his head.

I became very aware of the intense energy between us. I swallowed my fear and act like he’s just some random stranger I met on the street. I turned away and looked at the city building that was probably a few blocks away.

Why do I feel like he’s intensely watching me?

When I turn my head to get another glimpse at him, his face was right in front of me. I stood there frozen for a while. During that moment, I felt my true fear coming to me. I can feel a great feel of dangerousness in this stranger’s presence. I gulped in terror. His soulless eyes, with his creepy wide eyes without any iris or pupil, looking through my soul as if he’s trying to take my soul away too. His skin so pale as if he has no blood circulating inside his body. His face also lacked jaw and nose.

Was he the person everyone had been rumoring about before?

~A soulless man dressed in black, holding an umbrella. Lurking around on the street during the night of the Halloween. People claim that he’s there to collect souls to restore his former glory. ~

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