Hiding Place

I am here

At my home

Drinking beer

While searching using Google Chrome

I am alone

Sitting and doing nothing

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, but being alone

And doing………………………………………NOTHING



BeeING Nothing As MySELF

L00kking Att Nothing but A taTto off A Clovver

Haveiing N0 0Ne to talk to, Too be wITH, Too L0ve

Just looking At tHIS WhITE, WhiTENEss SPReadiinng

HeARiing notHiNnG buut A sOUNd SimILAaR to A DYiing, Scrreeehing D0ve

WeARrIng JUsT WHitE Is WhAaT I Am Dooiinng

To whoever is upset or scared

Do not be since Mr. Harrison will be fine

He is here at the CloverFields Asylum for being I’ll and cognitively Impaired

He can get out of line

But with our help, he has gotten better, overall

He has advanced from his struggles rather well

But today, he just dropped the ball

Just a typical bad day, nothing that egregious or to dwell

He just had to learn not to do this, and he will after he gets beaten down and sprayed down with mace

So he can continue to be at this wonderful hiding place

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