"If they would just let me back in the house then we wouldn't have this problem!"
Write a story which includes this line of speech.
*acc* Part llI
Railyn and Carter have been living together in Carters house for around a month.
Aiden and Tracy have an apartment about 20 mins away.
Today though, is the first time Aiden has contacted Railyn since she moved out.
Railyn and Carter are sitting on the couch cuddling while watching a movie. Railyns phone rings and while trying to grab it Carter throws it onto the other side of the couch.
“We’re watching a movie.” He whines, nuzzling his head into her shoulder.
Rai rolls her eyes and laughs.
“Okay fine.”
A few minutes later her phone starts ringing again.
“Can I at least check who it is?”
Carter sighs dramatically, entirely collapsing onto her. He places the back of his wrist to his forehead, draped across her lap.
“If you must.”
Rai grabs her phone.
“Well, who is it. Who is so important that you had to stop our cuddles.”
She raises her eyebrows. “One, you complain like a child. Two, it’s Aiden.”
Carter groans, rolling onto the floor because he is a child.
“You interrupted our cuddling to talk to your ex?” He gasps as dramatically as he knows how.
Railyn rolls her eyes, completely ignoring Carters whining and picks up the phone.
“Uhm… what do you need?”
“**Is your credit card linked to my bank account?**”
“What? No.”
“**Are you linked to my bank account at all**???”
At this point Carter is standing right next to Railyn trying to hear what Aiden is saying.
_Beep beep beep_
Railyn looks at her phone. He hung up.
“What did he want?” Carter asks. He no longer was complaining like a child and seemed very concerned that she had been taking to Aiden.
Rai rolls her eyes at his defensive behavior and pushes him onto the couch curling up on top of him.
“I don’t even know. He just asked if I was linked to his bank account.”
Carter runs his fingers through her hair.
“Hm. Weird.”
They lay there cuddling while the movie plays in the background.
~ - * - ~
A few weeks later Tracy shows up at Railyn and a Carters house.
_Knock knock knock_
She knocks again.
“Maybe they aren’t home-“ Aiden rolls his eyes at her growing impatience.
“His cars in the driveway and the lamp by the couch is on. If the lamp is on, Hes home.” Tracy sneers, trying to turn the door handle.
Meanwhile Railyn and Carter lay asleep in their bed. They went to a friends house last night and we’re out till 3.
Tracy groans. “Son of a biscuit.”
“Biscuit?” Aiden laughs. Tracy shoots him down with a glare and he immediately stops laughing.
Tracy drags Aiden around to the back of the house where she opens a window.
“Tracy. Please tell me your not about to break into your Ex’s house through his back window.”
“You told me not to lie.” She smirks and she pulls her self up through the window.
“Do you hear that?” Railyn sits up in bed.
“Mmmhgmmmmmmmmm.” Is all the reply she gets from Carter who pulls her back down into his arms.
“Carter. Seriously. Do you hear that?”
“MmmmMmmm five more minutes.” He grumbles, sleep coating his voice.
Railyn slowly lowers herself out of bed and she walks over to the door, listening.
*footstep sounds*
“Was anyone coming over today?”
“No? Why would any sane person come over this early?” Carter grumbles as he wraps up in the blanket.
Railyn rolls her eyes.
_It’s 11:30._
What do you do when you think someone in your house? Call the cops. So she did.
Whispering into the phone she hears drawers opening downstairs.
“They’re going through the drawers.” Railyn informs the man on the phone.
“**In the middle of the day? Thats one stupid thief. We’ll send someone over.**”
“Where is it!” Tracy hisses, going through the drawers in the TV stand.
“What are you looking for?!” Aiden didn’t climb in and is standing outside still.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Aiden was indeed worried about it.
All of the sudden 2 cops burst through the front door.
“HANDS IN THE AIR.” The shorter male cop yells.
“Please.” The taller male cops whispers.
Tracy rolls her eyes, dropping the papers she had been looking through.
Railyn comes running down the stairs.
“Tracy?” She stands there at the bottom of the stairs, tilting her head examining Tracy.
“You know this woman?” The shorter cop says clearly annoyed. He lowers his gun a bit.
“Yeah. Shes my boyfriends Ex.”
The cops both raise there guns again and Tracy rolls her eyes.
“If you would have let me back in the house, we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
“Why are you in my house?” Carter comes dragging down the stairs, still wrapped in a blanket. When he notices the cops though he drops it and stands a little straighter.
“I was… uh- looking for something.”
“What?” Carter glares.
“The code to your savings account.”
Carter snorts. “Your not gonna find it in a drawer.” He taps his temple. “It’s in my head.”
Railyn leans closer to him. “Is it your birthday?” She whispers, a wide grin on her face.
He freezes.
“I need to change my password…”
~ - * - ~
Tracy was sent off with a warning and she and Aiden faced their OWN CONSEQUENCES
(_le gasp_!!!)
Of Tracy’s gambling problem. Aiden had to get a job and Tracy is looking for a job still.
As for Carter and Railyn they are being a cute wattpad core couple.
You will not be getting more because I’m lazy and writersblock has returned
That is all I’m going to write with these characters because my hyper fixation is dead.
I might write a proposal between Railyn and Carter _someday_ but don’t wait for it cause it’ll be a while lol
Yes, Tracy and Aiden have a bit of toxic relationship. It reminds me of in “A Christmas prince” the cousin Simon and that one girl.
Thanks everyone for reading!! Sorry part 3 took me forever