Inspired by Jewelie Rain
Write a poem that transitions through two or more of the seven stages of grief: denial, bargaining, anger, depression, loss of self, reflection, and acceptance.
I have so much sad in me
Born with sadness in my veins
It’s the only stable thing that goes through me
Flowing back and forth my body
Sadness is always there
Under every happy moment
There is a sadness
One I can not describe
For it is always there
When I get sad it comes in waves
But not small ones
Tsunami waves crashing inside my head
Rocking my brain and spilling out of my eyes
My sadness is like an ocean
Never trying rocking the boat, but being unstable since the beginning
My sadness comes
It does not go
No matter how much I ask, using my best manners my mother taught
It stays, taking a permanent residence in my mind
The days I feel sad I feel it more than anything
Not being able to get up or out anywhere
Because of the storm inside my mind
It manifests in everything
In anger
In joy
In embarrassment
I have to go silent when it happens
Or else my eyes form a storm
That won’t stop raining for anything or anyone
Even the softest smile
Biting my tongue so tears don’t spill when I talk
And talking about it doesn’t help
Telling people the small colors of a wide ocean
One that keeps on wanting, and taking, and growing
The one night they said I said something mean
Something I would never say
Because I care too much for my own good, and for theirs
I threw a rock for an hour
In between my hands, at first in anger, then in sadness
Feeling like I could repress it, to stop the crying
To stop the weight on my shoulders that just keeps growing
Throwing it in my hands to try to make a pain
One that will take away my feelings
Even thought I was told I look menacing
I wasn’t speaking to anyone
To stop the tears
I pushed them away
In fear of crying
Looking weak in front of people I have a hard time talking to because of anxiety
I thought they hated me
I gripped the rock hard that I had dents in my hands
I would throw the rock, trying to throw my emotions alongside
But the longer I repress them the longer I cry
The more my emotions grow
I cried into her for a long time
Worried to much about what other people thought
When they were wondering if I was okay
I cried because I pushed her away
I cried because I was born to
Because my body had sadness in its blood
Because I feel things more than others
Things I can not express
Comments 2
oh this hit hard. you’re not alone