Write a haiku or series of Haikus capturing the essence of a moment in an ancient civilisation.
Don’t Make Me Walk Away
You are my sister
With your freckles and small smile
I love you so much
You are my sister
With your brown eyes and red hair
I love you so much
But you can be mean
Always mad about something
I will still love you
Raised voice yelling loud
How could you hurt me like that
I stay by your side
I wish I cloud stop
Caring about what you think
I’m done pleasing you
So act how you want
I do not care anymore
I wish that was true
I care way to much
If I am not good enough
I can’t be enough
So many expectations and yet you think I won’t be mad
So many times you hurt me
Only to brush it off
I know it’s not your fault
But I can’t help but be afraid
I don’t want to hurt you
But I don’t want to be hurt by you
I seems yelling is the only way you’ll hear me
It seems like you don’t care
I know you don’t understand my feelings
But can’t you just make an effort
You can be a jerk sometimes
And I looks past it
Every day
Why does it always have to be me
My feelings hurt
My problem
My fault
All I ask is for a little help
It can’t be all on me
Take some responsibility
And if for some reason you don’t do anything about it
I swear I’ll walk away
I don’t want to
But I’m going to do what’s best for me
And if that means leaving you
Then I will
I’m not asking for a transformation
I just want a little effort
Don’t make me walk away