
Feedback would be much appreciated, thank you!

- Kathryn

I sit on the park bench, a breath of relief escaping my lungs. The work day is finally done, and with it a crushing pressure to be, do, and say everything that’s right. I can finally rest- can finally breath without worrying about the aftermath of a heavy exhale.

“Excuse me,”

My eyes snap towards the voice. It’s a teenage boy- no older than sixteen.


I try to smile reassuringly- to convince this stranger I’m normal and fine. To draw attention away from the bags under my eyes, the wrinkles on my blouse, the mere fact that I’m a grown woman sitting alone on a park bench at night.

“My friend is trynna get a charger for his phone so he can call his folks and get a ride home.” He turned around briefly to point to a gaggle of teenage boys that reaked of trouble. “None of us have enough money for it though- do ya happen to have seven bucks you could lend?”

My gaze returned to the kid, who’s gaze was poorly masked with mirth beneath his plead. I sighed as my heart tugged despite my thoughts.

What if he was telling the truth?

“Yeah, whatever you want,” I began digging through my wallet.

I walk home with an easy pace. The plastic grocery bags dig into the skin of my palms, but I don’t let it concern me. It’s a lovely day out, made even lovlier by a day off of work. Finally, I feel at peace.




I pause mid-stride, fumbling with the bags to reach the phone tucked in my sweatpant’s pocket. I don’t look at the caller ID before hitting the green button.


I hear someone curse on the other end of the line, followed shortly after with thuds in the background.

“Hi, Elise? I’m so sorry to bother you, I know it’s your day off. Look, we’ve run into a bind. Cindy just called in sick and Tom had to leave to take his kid to the ER from daycare. You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need to, but can you please come in?” Another thud. “We’re swamped today.”

I slow my pace as the weight of my manager’s words put an unexpected droop in my posture.

“Yeah, whatever you want.”

Tears burn behind my eyes as I stand on the moving train. My phone sits painfully in my pocket, but the words he wrote are seared behind my eyelids.

‘Jake: I’m breaking up with you.’

Two whole years, out the window like that. I couldn’t even ask him why, ask what I did. Frankly, I didn’t want to know.

Buzz. Buzz.

I squeeze my eyes shut. I don’t want to look- don’t want to read anymore of his painful words.

But what if he needed something?

What if he was in trouble?

What if he was scared?

What if he was just joking?

My phone was in my hand in an instant. The screen glowing bright in the dimly lit cabin. But it isn’t who I’d thought it was.

‘Carla: Ben just proposed!!!!! Omg I can’t believe it, can you talk?’

Tears blurred my vision as a bitter feeling settled in my chest.

‘Elise: Of course, whenever you want!’

I look up just as the tears fall- just as my phone starts vibrating in my hand. If the wishes of others fell like the rain... it certainly feels like I’m the storm from which they fall.

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