Lesson Learned

A deep shadow appeared behind her under some tree leaves. "Oh Bonnie..." its words echo on the wind.

Bonnie freezes and tosses her flowy green and blue cloak to the side. "What do you want?"

"You mean, what do you want, my Lord?" It laughs.

She grinds her teeth and rolls her eyes. "Yes. What do you want my Lord?"

"Well, since you're being so disrespectful already, I just might fulfil my threat now." It moves its hand and a flame spurts out. It moves it closer to the tree.

Bonnie gasped and spun around. She rushed forward and managed to snuff the small fire out before it spread. "Please, not yet. I-I still have until the blood moon."

It flicks its hand. "Fine. So much for fun. You remember what ya got to do?"

Bonnie nods and wipes some sweat onto her dress sleeve.

"Fine. Don't betray my trust." It dragged out every letter before disappearing.

Bonnie took a deep breath. _Free for now_. She told herself. _Free for now_.


Bonnie walked slowly through her castle halls, glancing up at every torch suspended in metal holders.

"Bonnie! There you are dear!" Berry exclaims. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"Sorry Berry. I was just outside taking a stroll." Bonnie tried to smile.

"You seem sad dear. What's on your mind?" Berry asked. His hoof steps echo through the halls.

"It's just-" Bonnie stopped and turned to him.

He did the same with the question all over his face.

"Nevermind. You may never understand." Bonnie whispered.

Berry lifted a hoof and lifted Bonnie's chin up. "Focus. I will understand. I've seen far more then you have, my Queen."

Bonnie smiled. "I appreciate that Berry. Quick, follow me. If you want to know, we have to go to my bedroom. That the only place where it can't go."

"It-?" Berry was cut short when Bonnie jerked him toward a flowery door.

She pulled him in and sat on her bed. "The shadow. It always shows up the most random times. A few years back, during a dark time, I made a deal with it. Before I was Queen. I was to get Pine into its realm and it would do the rest. In return, I would become the most great Queen in all the land. But it doesn't seem worth it anymore." Bonnie buried her face in her hands. "I don't know what to do, Berry." she sobbed.

"Well, um, you've certainly gotten yourself in a situation." Berry stated.

A new voice joined. "Bonnie, you've broken my trust..."

Berry gulped. "Is that...? I thought you said he couldn't come in here!"

Bonnie looked up. "I thought he couldn't." Her eyes suddenly grew wide. "Berry, run. Find Pine."

Berry bolted to the door. It reached dark tendrils at Bonnie and grabbed her furiously. Berry glanced back once.

"No! Go find Pine!" Bonnie struggled against the shadow. "Tell him what happened and don't stop until you-" Bonnie pushed against the shadows tight grip. "Until you do!"

Berry ran and ran and never looked back.

Bonnie ripped away one of her hands, but it was relentless, and grabbed her wrist again.

"Why do you always have to do everything yourself?" it growled, finally smothering Bonnie.

It stayed for a few seconds, until growing smaller. Bonnie gasped for air, and stood up. She turned around and looked straight into the mirror behind her. Her eyes were a glowing green. Her face contorted into a smile and she laughed sinisterly.

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