Grey Fates CH1

“Is that the new girl?” Mickey asked as all the other girls on the field stopped playing football.

All eyes started looking toward the entrance to the school. Braylee quickly realized the commotion behind her. Watching her best friend Mikaela Dunn aka Mickey running clear from the other teams side towards her.

“She must be trouble” A girl behind them stated looking at the obvious police cruiser.

“I bet she came from the clink” A few of the other girls laughed , while Mickey rolled her eyes.

“Not likely, probably a parent. Cuz I’m not a total moron” She said while flipping her long light brown hair towards them.

“Someone’s bitchy today” Baylee laughed.

“All days” She corrected, tossing her best friend a piece sign over her face, sticking out her tongue. “I’m that bitch. Just saying” They both laughed at her obnoxiousness.

A police cruiser dropping off a student, that was new. Yet as the big man stepped out of the front seat. He smiled and waved at the gawking girls.

His complexion a baked brownie color and smile white like a crest tv commercial. Opening the squad car door on the opposite side out hoped a black haired girl. Who instantly looked straight at Braylee and the world itself turned black.

“Omg Bray!” Mickey voice was the only thing she heard as the blackness swooped in.


“You all took quite a spill” Her sing-song voice lulled Braylee out of her sleeping.

“All” Braylee groaned, rubbing her head.

Trying hard to remember what she was doing before the black out. It was pounding a mile a minute. Her mouth was completely dry as if replacing her tongue was the desert. And she could hear everything going on outside.

“Those freaks all passed out on the field” One female student spoke on the outside of the door.

“I heard it’s a new Covid situation” Another girl added to the gossip.

“Maybe an std?” Another added in.

“Don’t mind them dears. How do you all feel?” She questioned them as Braylee looked at the school nurse and the other four beds.

The nurse was a petite woman, short reddish brown hair, a thicker figure and a tattoo that started on her neck and ran down her right shoulder. Eyes the color of marbles, a blue and green swirl of colors.

Mickey lay passed out still across from her. The rise and fall of her chest sent a wave of joy through Braylee. Watching her tanned skinned best friends light brown hair laying across the pillow in a heap. Knowing full well she’d be listening to her complaining and combing it though.

There was one other girl in the bed next to Mickey, a blonde. From the looks of her young face a freshman. Who wore a set of pigtails like she was bubbles from the powerful girls. Cute and innocent looking, with an athletic body, maybe a bit to tall for her age.

Then two boys one she scoffed at his scared face. Bruno Maxwell, head quarter back of the football team. A groan escaped her lips and she wanted to just deck him in the face. Mostly due to the rumors his buddies had spread about Mickey and her since the second grade.

The other boy was a bit of an outsider. She’d seen him before being bothered by Bruno’s group of thugs but she’d never gotten closer. His black eye shadow and black nail polish were perfectly visible. Yet when his blue eyes opened she gasped.

“Braylee. Are you ok?” The nurse shifted away from Bruno on a small circle stool and slipped across the tile floor.

Of course the boy just flipped his dyed black hair and smiled at her. Giving her a subtle wave. He was just trying to be friendly but she could see him, really see him. The struggle that was hidden behind his eyes, everything about him.

“This is such bull. I probably just passed out cuz I worked out to hard” Bruno huffed out a long breath and stood up.

His massive body hulking over the short stocky school nurse. Even for a quarter back he was big. Everyone else stopped and looked at him, except for Mickey who was still lightly snoring.

“Bruno I’m not done with you” The nurse raised her voice a bit and he shrugged it off.

“Your a school nurse not a doctor. I missed my breakfast this morning. Nothing to it.” The nurse shook her head as her went for the door.

“You heard that too didn’t you” The black haired boy questioned and Bruno stopped his hand on the doorknob.

Braylee and the freshman girl just nodded at each other. Trying not to alert the nurse to their craziness.

“Are we going crazy?” The freshman asked as Bruno slammed the door.

“All muscle no manners” The black haired boy chuckled a bit starting to stand up.

“I guess you all may return to classes. But let me know if anything changes. Nausea, fainting or anything else.” She skipped back to her desk as Braylee moved to Mickey.

“She should be fine?” The freshman girl asked and Braylee looked at her light green eyes.

“I’m sure she will wake up in a bit” The nurse added in typing on her computer keyboard.

Something inside Braylee started to growl, she couldn’t believe what was coming from the girl. Pain, physical pain and discomfort. Distress and as she reached out and put a hand on her shoulder the girl’s eyes started to water.

“It’s ok…. We will protect each other now” Braylee’s words came out before she even thought about them.

“Hard to do that… when he’s with us” The black haired boy looked down at the floor but she could feel his defeated heart.


“I’m Xavier” The black haired boy , shook his bangs out as they stepped into the cafeteria.

So being the new kid was one thing. Being the entire group that just nearly dropped dead on the field during gym. Quite the opposite. Stepping through the doors silence ensures, everyone gawking at them .

So much so the blonde freshman sniffled a bit before Xavier grabbed her hand to steady her from taking off. The whimpering didn’t stop though.

“It’s ok. They can’t do any worse to us…” Xavier whispered to her, hopefully calming her nerves a bit.

Of course Bruno was sitting on a table at the entrance with all their group of footballers. Who quickly realized that Xavier was holding the freshman girls hand.

“Guess he’s not gay after all” One of the others boys started to laugh slapping Bruno on his back.

“Shut up. Leave him be” Bruno’s voice was flat and surprised everyone else.

“You with fag boy now” The boy hardly seen the right hook coming from Bruno.

Hard enough to stagger him back but not enough to lay him out. He quickly looked around the room as if someone was going to jump in against their team captain. Of course nobody even looked his way, granting him no help.

“That was a bullshit cheap shot!” He bellowed.

“So go tell a teacher?” Bruno replied without an ounce of malice.

“Why you acting like this?” He rubbed his busted lip of the little blood.

“Leave them be. Falling out like that sucks” As he spoke he turned to them and just nodded as the entire room started up with speaking again.

“I’m sorry” Xavier mumbled letting her hand go.

“Thanks” The blonde girl looked up at him a smile on her face. “I’m Emily. I don’t care what they think. It helped”

“Always a good thing” Baylee added in as they all started towards the line. “I can’t believe he stuck up for you”

“I don’t get why” Xavier grabbed the tray and quickly looked back at the table, where it looked like the boy Bruno hit was apologizing. Not like he could ever think of a time when Bruno added to the bull crap his people spewed out.

“Maybe he felt what I did…” Baylee said but quickly realized maybe it wasn’t the best thing to say.

“What do you mean?” Emily questioned looking around the trays at her.

Braylee rubbed her neck and sighed. Looking at them both as they looked back expecting an answer. Both wide eyed and bushy tailed ready to leap at the oncoming car that was the truth.

“Could you feel my past?” Braylee spat it out and quickly grabbed the chicken sandwich and mashed potatoes, tossing it on the tray.

Then she felt it, a nagging sensation inside. Yearning for her to turn around and look in the direction of the person who was staring at her. News flash, who wasn’t staring at them still. They would surely be the talk of the town and school for the next week. It was only a matter of time before the parents started to join in.

“I don’t get what you mean?” Xavier added a sub and some chips to his tray following after Emily.

“Can I be honest…” Baylee said in a hushed voice as they walked out of the cafeteria into the outside foyer.

Of course the lovely day they had started with wasn’t lasting. A cool breeze had started and clouds were rolling in fast.

“Smells like rain, I love storms” Emily added in as they continued their journey.

Way less kids went outside to eat on windy days. Which only helped them as they all sat down on one of the picnic tables under the foyer. There were only a handful out there in the first place, a large tree that somewhat covered a quarter of the interior grounds and a small koi pond that hadn’t been refilled since their freshman year.

“Of course. Why would we want you to lie?” Emily questioned before taking a bite out of her sub.

“Because I felt your secrets….. I’m sorry. It feels terrible for me to say them out loud…” Baylee didn’t even look at them, just stirred her potatoes and brown gravy.

“So you know….” Xavier could hardly get the words out. “That’s not even possible, help me out here Emily”

“Yes…. Your not straight…. And she’s…. Emily I’m so sorry” Baylee looked at her as she watched the instant change at the realization.

It didn’t take more then a second for the waterworks to ensure. Baylee couldn’t blame her or be mad, her secret was terrible. Heartbreaking for sure.

“There’s no way…. You couldn’t…” She started to back away from the table.

“What’s wrong?” Xavier questioned, definitely confused by her sudden reaction.

“I felt it…. That shouldn’t happen…” Baylee started to move toward her but Bruno was there at the door before she could escape.

Blocking her exit with his whole existence. While she tried to slip past.

“Please let me go!” Emily started to sob, Bruno knelt down and looked her straight in the face.

His brown eyes looked black as he spoke “Who did that…. I’ll end them for you”

“Now your a knight in shining armor?” Xavier questioned, a chip on his shoulder for sure.

Emily collapsed into Bruno without a thought. Sobbing uncontrollably into his black t-shirt. His face just gave off a concerned look as he easily reached under her like a small child. Carrying her over back to the table.

“A knight would have saved her during the act. I can only avenge her loss…” He gave them a quick glance as he set her down and sat next to her on the table.

“Yet I still don’t get your sudden good guy routine? Em’s cute and all but like that can’t be it?” Xavier questioned and Braylee shook her head.

“Why are you the slow , inattentive person now?” Bruno shot back still trying to console Emily.

“Cuz I’m hella lost. What happened?” He chimed.

“Grape… without the g…” It came out much worse then Braylee expected it to sound but the point was surely being missed.

“Ohh no shit. Im so sorry.” Xavier started to say in a much different tone of voice. “You poor girl…”

“What’s his secret?” Emily started to wipe her tears and looked at Baylee expecting an answer.

“His persona is a lie…. He hates everybody around him… wishes he could be an artist…” Braylee sighed as the door opened again.

Mickey looked up at her and smiled. Then it hit her like a run away train. Passion that started a heat across her body, a feeling of contentment and comfort. Then a chill of icy cold that stung as it swelled.

“Are you serious!” Braylee shouted standing up nearly knocking her tray to the floor.

“What’s wrong?” She questioned, stopping just outside the door, but letting it close behind her.

A look of pure surprise on her face as Braylee started to rush around the table. Thankfully Bruno was faster, grabbing her by the shoulder and stopping her dead in her tracks.

“So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say your secret somehow effects her very closely?” Xavier gave Mickey a sly grin.

Regret washed over Mickey’s face in an instant. She knew exactly what her best friend was mad about.

“How is that possible?” Mickey questioned.

“Power girl over here knows our secrets. I expect yours to be very juicy” Xavier sat his chin on his hands in anticipation.

“It was one time… I wanted to tell you I swear” Mickey looked at each one of them for back up.

“Which one?” Braylee hissed. “When?”

“It’s not my fault…” Mickey started, Braylee growled at Bruno and he let her go in an instant.

“Did you just growl at him?” Xavier questioned giving her a straight “wtf” face.

“I think I did…” Braylee answered looking back at her best friend with a groan. “Why would you do that?”

“Ok, first of all. They are cute as fuck girl” Mickey quickly started and then stopped herself with a smile. “It literally just kinda happened…. Maybe we kissed and fooled around a bit more after our sleepovers…. But I promise you I really like him”

“She defiled my little brother” Braylee quickly said then hid her face.

“I promise you he’s not little” She smiled softly and started towards their little group.

“No flipping way” Xavier gasped at Braylee.

“Please I’m gonna puke” Braylee sat back down. “Definitely not eating now” she pushed her tray away.

“We’ll on that note” Xavier started to laugh. “Aren’t they twins. You sure it was the same one?” He questioned and her face started to turn a little bit red.

“Ok, enough of that” Braylee cut it short. “If I didn’t love you like a sister I swear I’d beat your butt”

“So she’s not getting her butt beat?” Bruno questions as a sigh comes from Mickey.

“I’m literally her best friend since like second grade”

“I’m gonna stop you right there. And you still slept with her brother. That’s cold” Xavier added in.

“Please can we leave it be. I’m so over today” Braylee spoke, yet at that exact moment her phone started to chirp to life.

Holding it in her hand “mom” flashed across it with an answer or reject. Which made her look up at Mickey with a grin.

“Should I tell her one of her boys got you knocked up?” Xavier hissed with laughter and Bruno sighed.

“Really?” Mickey responded by resting her hands on her hips in an “I dare you fashion”.

“Hey mom” Braylee quickly answered, stepping towards the pond.

“Honey I heard you passed out?” Her mothers voice sounded concerned.

“It’s fine, I wasn’t the only one. Dehydration seems to be the cause” A white lie wouldn’t hurt anyone, especially since none of them really knew why.

“I’m glad your ok. Have you seen your sister?” And are your brothers ok?” Her mothers question made her scoffe.

“Of course she’d ask about the witch, and one of them was doing way better then the other that’s for sure” She giggled a bit to herself looking at Mickey.

She really hadn’t expected everyone else to turn and look at her at the table. Mickey shaking her head.

Emily slowly mouthing“we can hear you”.

“Whos the witch?” Xavier added in through their mind link.

“No I haven’t seen her, thankfully” She whispered the last part. “And I’m very sure the boys are doing great”

“We’ll have a good rest of the day.” She said as the ding of the register at the store sounded in the background. “Don’t forget to come by later. You and your sister are closing”

“You too mom. Also I never forget” Of course the store had to be run.

“You can bring Mickey too.” She added in.

“Probably will” Her tone was flat without even trying.

“Love yah honey” The phone clicked off and she groaned.

“So we can talk to each other with our minds?” Mickey questioned, catching up.

“Seems so…” Emily said.

“Watch what you think” Xavier added in with a chuckle, looking directly at Mickey.

“Why are y’all so friendly now. We aren’t even from the same clicks” Mickey hissed throwing up her middle finger at Xavier.

“We’ll for some reason we are gonna have to be now. None of it makes sense. But here we are” Braylee sat down just as the bell rung to tell everyone lunch was over.

“I’ll try and keep them off your back. I’m sorry they are a bunch of assholes” Bruno held his hand out to Xavier looking clearly sorry.

“Maybe in time” Braylee added as she watched Xavier grab his backpack and pulling away from the group.

“He’s gay though? right?” Mickey questioned and Braylee slapped her arm, giving her a stern motherly warning look.

The rest of school flew by without anything else out of the ordinary happening. At the end of eighth period, Mickey was rushing down the hallway to meet Braylee at her locker. Like they did everyday.

With a smile she leaned back against the locker next to hers.

“So we working tonight?” Braylee groaned looking at her best friend with the most annoyed face she could muster.

“Ughh. Yes but I’m not done being mad at you” She smiled faintly as two sets of footsteps stopped behind her. One of them clearly wasn’t walking as fast.

“You ready sis?” Caden asked as he tapped her opposite shoulder to try and trick her out.

“Yes, are you two?” She turned and mock glared at them both, of corse Corbin was the one who shuddered and she found her culprit.

Corbin and Caden are twins, the youngest kids of the family and a whole bucket full of terrible. Since they were born they were thick as thieves. Of course unlike their mothers bright blonde hair, they got fathers red hair. Irish ancestry will do that.

If it wasn’t for their eyes you could hardly tell them apart. Corbin’s are a light grey but Caden’s are blue. They were nearly her height for being freshman and neither one of them was particularly muscular both just skinny.

Then her best friend shocked the entire hallway. Grabbing Corbin by his face and planting a few second kiss that made Caden and Baylee both make mock gag noises.

“Yuck no pda please” Baylee quickly pushed them apart walking between them.

“Cats out of the bag. So I want everyone to know he’s mine!” Mickey grabbed his hand and started towards the outside doors.

“I promise, you have no competition” Caden laughed running to catch up.

Dropping the boys off at their parents house outside of town only took a few minutes. Having to watch her younger brother and best friend make out for a few seconds. Made her want to vomit.

“I should have you ask my mom before you make it official” Braylee chucked a bit as Mickey hopped into the black suv that had been a sweet sixteen gift.

“No! Then your mom won’t let me sleep over anymore” Mickey whined and gave Braylee her best puppy dog eyes.

“Fine but you better not think nothing weird. Or I swear I’ll throw away a ten year friendship” Braylee quickly started towards the store.

Of course the moment they entered the store, Leah and Logan were already lip locked behind the front counter. Baylee didn’t even give them the satisfaction of a glance or saying anything.

Leah was a fully filled out senior, actually she hadn’t grown since the eighth grade. She’d been the same curvy, giant chested girl. Who had been stuck on Logan since before her body caught up to her mouth.

Logan was your run of the mill athletic boy. Of course he was part of Bruno’s group but Baylee couldn’t remember his job on the football field. Only that he really wasn’t very good. Probably because all his free time was spent up Leah’s butt.

“Seems to be going around” Baylee couldn’t help herself.

Grabbing a black apron from the back room, her mother scared her with a quick hug from behind. Then of course she hugged her other illegitimate daughter Mickey. Baylee couldn’t help but sigh.

“That rough of a day huh?” Her mother questioned giving her a side eyed “what’s wrong” look.

“Just normal stuff” She tried to sound as normal as possible.

“Well let me know what everyone wants for dinner” She said rushing towards the doors.

Back up front a few people came and went. Nothing much out of the ordinary there. Logan and Leah kept to themselves in the beginning, while Mickey was on her phone. Probably texting Corbin.

“So you guys are a thing now?” Baylee questioned her best friend as she put down her phone for a second.

“Is that good with you?” She asked genuinely.

“Is what good with her?” Leah and her nosey self leaned over the register area.

“Shouldn’t you be sucking face somewhere?” Braylee didn’t even look over at her step sister.

“Wow that’s really mean. Just wait till you get a boyfriend.” She shot back giving her the stink eye. “Hopefully he’ll be into underdevelopment”

Without a thought Braylee was at her sisters throat, holding it with one hand. Leah was trying to scratch at her hand to no avail.

“Braylee stop” Mickey hopped over the other register and grabbed her arm.

Braylee let out a low growl and Mickey yelped like a wounded puppy. Shrinking back as Braylee let her sister go. Leaving a red handprint on her throat.

“What the fuck!” Leah coughed out as she gasped for air. “That was not cool!”

“I’m sorry I don’t know what… came over me”

“That was some freak shit!” Logan added in grabbing Leah and helping her back towards their make out spot.

“Welp. What was that?” Mickey questioned looking back at her with a fearful expression.

“I’m not sure…. I was just mad…” She shook herself a bit, trying to get her thoughts away from her annoying step sister. “It all just happened…”

Baylee groaned as the front door to the store slid opened again. This time it instead of some random grown person. It was the somewhat familiar face of the new girl at school. Her skin was lighter then Mickey’s, more mocha cappuccino instead of milk chocolate. But her hair was braided together and still reached the center of her back. Eyes gleaming a strange light yellow color before the earth itself began to slow.

“Mine” Baylee hissed and the new girl stopped dead in her tracks.

“Oh shit.” Was all she said back.

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