
We found each other, after you left me for 7 years. I had forgiven you and thought you had changed, I was so wrong.

One week later we see each other again, we go bowling and have a lot of fun. You told me how you were, and shared some old pictures of us together.

I went home that night and I was so happy I was in tears. I realized this may be the start of a new beginning. I was so wrong.

I loved seeing you, day and night, sometimes all weekend. I spent so much of my time with you, because I just wanted my dad.

But then it happened again. You did dumb shit, I cussed you out. You threatened to hurt and kill me, how dare you!

One year after you left again, we see each other. You didn’t say sorry and you pretended I don’t exist. Ignored my every word, I went home sad. Told my sister hello and goodbye, told her you missed her, I just got an ugly look.

Sometimes people aren’t as perceived, a third look is all it takes to realize something new, that’s when I realized, I hate you.

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