
The kingdom’s laws were cut and dry; women must marry by their 26th birthday or be put to death. The draconian ways of the city are alive and well, even after a civil war and the subsequent collapse of the Old Heirarchy. One would think the 300-year-old law that was enacted to curb overpopulation would have been revised by now.

I stared at him, the flush of scarlet creeping up his neck and into his cheeks elevating the embarrassment showing in his teal green eyes. It’s evident this was not his plan.

“Lisa, take my hand!”

I shot a glance over my shoulder, the palace guards hacking through the brush of the riverbank sent my heart into overdrive.

“Ethan, you know what this means, right?” I whispered.

His eyes grew steely, resolve settling in his shoulders.

“I do. Again, I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m saving your life.”

“Semantics,” I grumbled. “Do you remember the words?”

Surprise and something I couldn’t name flashed in his eyes, gone before I had time to think.

“Of course I do. I’ve had them memorized since that day in this river, when you threw mud at my face.”

I choked back a laugh, remembering the day he and I met all those years ago. He’s been the only constant thing in my life. Steadiness I’ve needed to weather the chaos of our world.

“Okay. Say them,” His stare met mine, and there it was again. Something I couldn’t place. Something…different.

I took his hand, gripping his wrist and kneeling in the waist deep water. The current gently pulled on my linen dress, as if to pull me to another, safer time. Ethan took a deep breath, clutched my wrist in return, and met my eyes.

“I declare Lisandra Ethos my wife, my mate, and my soul. I am hers and she is mine, blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, soul of my soul. Does she accept my declaration?”

I didn’t let go of his gaze. Determination settled across his features as if this was something he’s done, or imagined, before.

“She accepts,” I spoke clearly. Before the words left my lips completely, I felt a searing pain blaze across my forearm, as if a snake had claimed it for its own. Ethan gasped in surprise as ribbon of golden light coiled its way up his arm, beginning around his index finger and weaving up his shoulder. I couldn’t see beneath the grey tunic he wore, but it was wet and clinging to his skin in a way that would make the most salacious madam blush. The golden light glowed faintly, completing its path to his heart. I didn’t have to look to know I’d been branded with an identical Mark. The Mate Mark.

Not even death could separate us now.

We stared at each other, breathless. Our hands still joined, our breathing synced. I could feel his heart racing in perfect time with my own. I could feel his breath moving in and out of his lungs as if we were one. I suppose we now were.

Ethan swallowed. That crooked smile I’ve come to love appearing, the faintest dimple on his left cheek winking at me.

“Alright, wife. Now what?”

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