Writing Prompt


Submitted by Kelaiah Nordin

"Take my hand!”

"No way!"

"I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life!"


Idk What The Title Should Be

They had been hiking with their class on a ‘field trip’ to the local middle-of-nowhere, and Ana had gotten a blister on her heel. Slowly, the brunette had dropped behind her friends. Kenan had noticed. Of course he had. He always seemed to be there, laughing, joking, flirting. The boy had slowed his pace to match the girl’s, and they walked down the trail in almost complete silence, broken only by the birds, crickets, and the occasional cow’s complaint. Eventually, Kenan had run in front of the girl and waved his arms. “Did you know I write music?” A familiar grin spread across his face as Ana scowled lightheartedly. “No.” “Yeah, I wrote a song about las tortillas de mi madre.” The boy slipped into his first language, and Ana nodded. When Kenan didn’t follow up his statement, Ana sighed and nudged his arm. “Ok, so what’s the en-“ “Well, I guess it was more of a wrap.” The boy inturrupted. Ana looked away, trying not to smile. He kept pulling stupid jokes out of nowhere, and she found it harder and harder not to laugh as he grinned at her. Kenan’s eyes widened with his grin as the girl’s shoulders started to shake. “Are you laughing?” He danced around her, but she dodged, hiding her face. “Come on, I finally made you laugh and you’re going to hide your pretty face?”
Ana squeaked as Kenan twirled her around. The joyful look on his face sent her into another round of giggles. She stumbled off of the path, and Kenan barked out a laugh. At that point, Ana had given up and was laughing to the point of tears, not at the joke, but the whole situation. The air was full of laughter until Kenan froze. Ana started to get up, but he held out his hand. “Stop!” “Why?” “Take my hand!” “No way!” “I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life!” “Yeah, right.” She crossed her arms stubbornly. “Please, Ana.” His near-black eyes were bright, not from laughter like they usually were, but with fear. “This isn’t the time to argue.” Ana shot a glance around, confused. She looked back at Kenan, and the panic written into his face resolved her doubts. When the girl reached out, the boy pulled her gently back onto the trail. As soon as Ana was back on her feet, Kenan shoved her behind him. “Walk. Slowly. Don’t run.” He breathed, calmer now that she was out of danger. Ana followed his quiet words, walking far enough down the path to be out of range of whatever Kenan had seen. When she turned around, he met her gaze before carefully backing up the path. As he reached her side, Kenan grabbed her hand and started sprinting down the trail. After they had run about a hundred feet, Ana pulled away from his grip. “What was it, Kenan?” The boy turned to her and replied by opening his arms. In any other situation, Ana would have refused, but she saw something in his eyes that she had never seen before. For all his calm exterior, the boy in front of her was terrified. She enfolded him a tight hug. He took the girl in his arms, heaving a sigh of relief as he accepted the comfort she offered. “What?” Ana gently removed herself from the boy, keeping her hands on his shoulders to steady him. Kenan repeated what he had mumbled a moment before, “Rattlesnake. It was behind you.” Ana’s eyes grew wide. “I- there- actually?” Her voice was shaky. Kenan nodded. The girl took a deep breath before smiling. “Thanks.” She stood on tiptoes for a moment, leaning forward as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Kenan felt a shock running through him, originating from his face. From her lips. He stood stock still as Ana started down the path. She turned around, tilting her head. “You just gonna stand there til the snake catches up?” Kenan shook his head and rushed to catch up with the girl. Silence fell, but it was more comfortable than before. “Ana-“ He paused as she glanced at him. Meeting her gaze, he asked, “Take my hand?” Ana chuckled, and Kenan shot a grin back at her as he felt their fingers interlace.

Smashing Windows on the run

“Shit, shit,” Aaron breathes as we dart down an alleyway. “Damnit, Erik, in public? Seriously?”

Panting, I slam my back against the brick wall, huffing out a breath and watching it appear in the cold winter air.

Moments later, it fades, and a gush of wind brushes through my hair.

Turning to him, I shrug. “What? I saw an opportunity and didn’t want to pass it up.”

Frustratedly groaning, Aaron clenches his eyes shut and leans his head backwards, muttering, “You’re and idiot,” quietly.

There is a chance I am, but my mind has not been in the right place for the past few months, not since Ava got with him again.

Cole, the asinine, fashion-illiterate scumbag.

This may be the jealousy speaking—though I do have proof—but he is a complete douchebag and seeing my girl with him sents me into a rage.

Last week, on Saturday, when I caught him cheating on her, I was torn between feeling bad for Ava and being excited that she might finally dump him.

Sadly, she did not, but I also haven’t mentioned it to her. Part of me was hoping that another kid would have, or perhaps a rumor at school would break loose.

I have tried to tell her before that he is not good for her, but he has her in this annoying, fucked-up trance. She is blinded by her make-believe version of him.

Me and Aaron were walking through the city, and I purposefully chose the direction I knew Ava and he would be in.

I heard the news that they were going to watch a movie at the cinema. The word came from some random people in the hallway.

Call me a stalker, I do not care, but my plan was to keep it cool while I checked on them—on her.

But when I saw his car, I totally lost it.

(Scene from earlier)

After lighting a cigarette, Aaron lets his lighter snap shut and shoves it into his jacket pocket.

“Is this his car?” he questions, gesturing toward the piece of shit.

Nodding stiffly, I eye it warily.

Planting a hand on my shoulder, Aaron leans toward me.

Casting a glance in his direction, I watch as he takes the cigarette out of his mouth and peer at me.

“The one who cheated on Ava?”

Another nod is given to him.

Silence follows us up.

“Wanna do some damage to it?” he pulls away, and I can hear his footsteps retreating.

Caught off guard, I whip around, surprised to see him scanning the streets for something.


Trudging toward a bench covered in snow, he leans over and shouts, “I asked—“ straightening his back, he clutches an abanonded baseball bat. Facing me again, I catch notice of the smug grin on his face. “Do you want to do some damage to it?”

“Ah,” nervsouly scratching the side of my hat, I peek at the car. “I don’t know.”

Aaron is known for making rash decisions, but I am not. My plans have always been well thought out, never impulsive.

Spontaneous does not fit my character.

“It might not be him, but you can always imagine it is. His head is big enough.”

Snorting, I can’t help but grin at Aaron’s remark. “It’s bigger.”

“Eh, fuck calculating.”

Frowning again, I stare at the veichle with hesitance before making the decision to let loose.

Holding my hand out, I tell him, “Hand it over.”

“Oh, shit—you’re doing this?—Erik Garner is committing a crime?”

Rolling my eyes, I steal the bat from him. “It’s now or never, and I’ll do more damage to the bastard’s face when I next see him if I don’t.”

“I’m impressed.” he muses.

I raise the bat and then freeze.

Dropping it, I dig in my coat for the pocket knife I keep with me. Pulling it out, I crouch down.

Confused, Aaron questions, “What are you doing?”

“Something,” I mumble while etching out the letters C-H-E-A-T-E-R onto the side of his car.

It is freezing out, yet my skin is hot and tingling. Tossing the knife onto the sidewalk, I retrieve the bat and prepare myself.

“Fuck you, Cole Lawson.” I whisper before swinging it directly into his windshield with full force.

Maybe hockey and tennis is paying off.

Shortly after that, people began to freak out around us—which makes sense—and the police were called.

Sirens blared in the distance, and I watched as red and blue lights flashed on the street.

“Take my hand.” Aaron demands, accidentally slamming it against my chest.

Reeling back, I shove it off. “What?—no thanks.”

“Dumbass,” heavily breathing, he jerks me toward him, and I nearly trip. “It’s not like I’m asking you to marry me. I’m trying to save your life!”

Using his sleeve to steady myself, I glare at him. “Yeah, well, keep yelling and we will both be screwed.”

“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head. “I could bail myself out of jail if I wanted to.”

“So could I!” I exclaim, frantically looking around us.

Pushing me to the side, he urges me to dip around the corner, and I listen. Following me, he kneels down by a big box. I copy him, and a faint whistle of wind makes me shiver.

“It stinks.” I declare after a few seconds of nothing.

His head snaps in my direction, and I observe the way his gaze slips past me for a moment.

With a sigh, he states, “For someone so incredibly smart, you would think they’d be more aware of their surroundings.”

“You are—“ I cut myself off after glimpsing behind me and seeing a large, rundown, green dumpster.

Flustered, I defend myself by saying, “I never said I was street-smart.”

Arching a brow, he tilts his head. “You believe I haven’t noticed?”

Shrugging nonchalantly, I truthfully tell him, “Sometimes you’re so caught up in yourself that I don’t think you do.”

He nods in agreement. “Yeah, except I do.”

“Whatever you say.” I mumble.

“Exactly what I say.” he counters with a slight smile.

The Chase

With the Villagers gone, the Flame Defenders can see us plainly. If only my orange hair wasn't a dead giveaway, we might go unrecognized. With their guns in hand, the FDs charge toward us. "Take my hand." Jacob shoves his hand at me. "No way!" I push it away and turn on my heel, but my ankle still throbs. I stifle a cry as a sharp pain shoots up my leg. Without hesitation, Jacob seizes my hand. "I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm trying to save your life." Jacob drags me forward as the FDs shout at us. They want us to turn around. They don't want us to run, but they aren't firing. Why aren't they firing? "Where are we going?" I'm out of breath already. My ankle is screaming at me to quit running. "Just keep going." Jacob's hand is sweaty and threatens to slip from mine. If he lets go, I'll be caught. I'm sure of it. "Coleman! Miller!" The FDs howl, the thump of their boots on stone ringing in my ears. "In here," Jacob pulls me through a hole in the wall of a rundown shack. My shoulder scrapes against something hard and sharp. I start to scream, but Jacob covers my mouth with his hand and leans his forehead on mine, his eyes shut tight. Sweat pours down his face and he's breathing hard; he's exhausted and terrified. Moments later I hear the FDs rush past us. Somehow, we fooled them. It's strange, but I can't think about that now. All I can think about is the pain in my shoulder and ankle. Jacob removes his hand from my mouth and glances at my wounded shoulder. My eyes trail down and to the left to see a red mess. "I'm sorry," Jacob brushes the skin of my shoulder with his fingers and I wince. The flesh around my wound is raw. "I didn't mean to hurt you." "It was an accident," I groan. "Just help me get cleaned up."


This job was supposed to be easy dammit. Get in, get the money, get out. So how’d he end up hanging off of the roof top of a 13 story building you might ask? That’s a good fucking question that he didn’t know the answer to. All he knew was he was going to kill his boss, that son of a bitch. He grunted, struggling to pull himself back up over the edge but the duffle bag he had slung across his shoulder was weighing him down. Well fuck. He knew this life would kill him one day but he’d always assumed it would be in the heat of a gun fight or getting jumped in an alley, not falling off a building because he got distracted by the cop chasing him. Which, where was he- oh. The officer suddenly appeared looking down at him with a raised eyebrow before bending down and extending a hand. “Take my hand.” “What? No!” The officer rolled his eyes. “Look dude, I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m literally trying to save your life. Unless you want to plummet to your death?” The officer shrugged and he sighed grabbing the outstretched hand. It took both of them a significant amount of effort to get him back onto the roof and they both lay panting on the concrete for a moment. After he had collected himself enough he stood back up and hoisted his bag back up onto his shoulder, making his way to the door off the roof. He paused hand on the door handle and smiled. “Thanks for the save.” His grin sharpened as he flashed his hand at the cop only just getting to his feet. “And for the record, you already asked me to marry you.”

Trust Grip

Nova has a crush.

That’s very hard for her to comprehend, but Haze has helped her realize this.

Why can’t her brain just turn it off?!

It’s annoying. Crushes are stupid. Ward invades her thoughts like those annoying tiny flies that don’t get offended by you trying to kill them.

And now he did something so very sweet that she can’t help but fall further in whatever hole she’s already in.

“How far is it, Nova?” He asks, not in a whiny way but in a genuinely curious manner. Because that’s just who he is.

He managed to get the king and queen to let them outside the kingdom on a little field trip. They masked it as a scouting mission to survey more natural resources.

As if she would let them anywhere near the Wild Thicket’s natural beauties. But he knew how antsy she was. Itching to get outside, away from all the annoyances that come from the castle.

“Not far,” she answers, not even looking behind her. His footsteps are pretty even, so he is keeping pace. Mostly.

They aren’t going far into the Wild Thicket. Just enough dissuade her homesickness. And show him a bit of what her life is normally like.

While the Wild Thicket is dangerous for someone who isn’t prepared for it, it is the only home she knows.

She doesn’t know any other way of surviving.

They break through the trees and a rushing waterfall comes into view. Somehow so quiet, you don’t hear it until you see it.

“Wow,” he breathes when he catches up to her. His hand brushes against hers with how little distance he puts between them.

It causes her to feel warm again. And want to grab his hand fully, just to see how it fits with hers.

The symptoms of having a crush she’s told.


Why can’t her thoughts just be normal around him?

“Come on, the view is even better at the top,” she gestures towards the elevated ground.

His eyes turn a bit wary at the height.

A chuckle is threatening to bubble in her throat. All the sparring and the training, and height is what makes him pause?

The castle training is even more useless than she thought. Not applicable at all.

“Oh, are you scared? You’re the one who suggested this,” she teases, trying to distract him from what is obvsiouly making him fidget.

“I’m a bit nervous but not scared,” he defends. Not very confident, which is strange. It almost has her cocking her head to the side.

If Ward is anything, he is the first one to be positive. So positive that Nova wouldn’t be able to stand him off he wasn’t so sincere.

Climbing the rock face is exhilarating.

No ropes or safety net. No Haze to save her if she falls.

Just her and finding the next foot holds.

And Ward too.

The slight breeze calms Nova. The air is so fresh, it washes over her lungs, cleansing them from the castle air that was stale.

She’s surprised on how quickly they get up to the top. Ward keeps up with her, just a move behind her. His nerves appeared to dissipate since his movements were fluid and swift.

“Be careful by the edge. It can get unstable around here,” she warns, having to talk a bit louder with the crashing of the water below.

Peering down where the waterfall is rushing is one of Nova’s favorite sights. The power of water is mesmerizing.

And seeing how far she climbed fills her with a bit of pride and a sense of accomplishment.

“This has been the perfect first date,” Ward claims.

The last word shakes her. This is a date? Was it always a date? When did it become a date? What does that mean?

All the questions running through her brain must short circuit the rest of her functions because she just stops moving entirely.

It must be written on her face because he takes a step to be in front of Nova to explain. But he forgets her warning and steps on an unsteady stone.

Instantly, the rocks crumble underneath him.

He manages to grasp onto a rock in his tumble, so he just dangles as pieces of the ground hit the ground with a thud.

Nova gets on her knees and leans forward, careful with where she is putting her body weight. “Take my hand.”

“No way! You could fall trying to help me up,” he says. If he could, he would wave both hands in an exaggerated way. But he needs both hands on the jagged ground.

Internally rolling her eyes at his self sacrificial self, she grabs one of his wrists, “I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life.”

“I wouldn’t say no if it was a proposal though,” he jokes as his life wasn’t hanging in the balance. It startles a laugh out of her. “Maybe let’s focus on you surviving first so you have the ability to make it official with me,” she comments.

“Good idea.” Finding a foothold, he kicks off to pull himself up with her assisting him and ensuring the rock is secure.

They both roll a bit inwards and collapse on the ground, breathing heavily.

“So this was a date?” Nova asks breathlessly, her chest heaving at the high strung moment. Her head rolls to the right to look at him. He’s in about the same condition. His hands are cut with crimson dripping down but otherwise whole.

“Sorry I freaked you out. I should have clarified before labeling it like that,” Ward expresses. He’s earnest. Of course he is. Because that’s Ward. He is unassuming and just so damn nice.

Hauling herself into a sitting position, she takes his hand in hers, his blood rubbing into her skin. He mirrors her and sits cross legged, flexing his fingers as if to figure out the damage.

Gazing into her eyes, his fearlessness returns. There’s that determination that she lo—likes to see. “Nova, I would really like this to be a date. But only if you want it to be that.”

She can’t help but let a wide smile grow on her face. “You’re such an idiot. Of course, I want this to be a date. To date you,” she emphasizes her point with a light punch to his shoulder.

Rubbing his shoulder in fake hurt (or maybe real hurt, Nova didn’t think she hit him that hard), his joy matches hers with a grin settling over his features.

“I even got Haze’s blessing. I know how much she means to you.”

That has her swooning and rolling her eyes at the same time. No one has ever cared enough about her to care about who she cares about.

If that makes sense.

And then there is the fact that Haze has always liked Ward for Nova. Much before Nova realized her crush.

The way he looks at her, eyes so intense that she swears they turn a different shade, makes her feel strange. Like the mere action pulls her to him.

Before, she resisted.

This time, she doesn’t.

Grabbing the front of his shirt in her fist, she closes the gap.

Nova didn’t know what to expect from her first kiss. But this surpasses what she ever could have imagined. Though she didn’t really imagine it before Ward.

Everything falls away. The crashing of the waterfall dulls. The beauty of the Wild Thicket that she relished in before pales in comparison to this moment.

Pulling away slight, he gives her a soft glance. One that makes her want to kiss him again.

“See. Right there. Starshine.”

——— (Edit: Oh my gosh! It’s my 400th writing! I didn’t think I posted that much stuff! Thanks to anyone who sticks around and reads my stuff!)


“Take my hand!”

“No way!”

“I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life!! Now!” He snatches my hand and practically pulls my arm out of its socket.

“James what the hell?!” I toss up my middle finger while my face wrinkles up.

“Look. See that! That’s what I was trying to save you from! You’re welcome!” He points off somewhere and then runs a hand through his sandy brown hair as he walks away.

I look back to see a fallen tree. “I never said thank you,” I snap back.

“I’m very much aware of that fact, thanks,” There’s a strong annoyance present in his voice and you can hear his gritted teeth.

“What’s your problem?!” I shout much louder than I meant to.

“What’s MY problem?!! What’s YOUR problem?!! Ever since we went on this trip you’ve been such a glorious ray of sunshine!” He waves his hands mockingly with clear sarcasm as his voice raises 5 octaves. “You’ve been an absolute thorn in my side!” And we’re back to the yelling.

“I didnt ASK to be here you know!” I shout inches away from his face.

“Oh wow I guess you should get an award or something. Open your eyes Casey! NO ONE asked to be here! You are here because someone put you here it’s not your fault and it certainly isn’t mine so grow up and quit acting like an entitled 5 year old!”

I stared in silence for a moment. My eyes widened and I clenched my jaw. What happened next was not my fault, okay? Remember that.

My anger built up and my blood began boiling. Before I could process what I was doing I slapped him flat across his face. HARD. Maybe he didn’t deserve that but I didn’t need him to scream at me.

He stared at me with flickering eyes and gritted teeth. He rubbed the side of his face I smacked and before he could scream at me again, I walked off. Giving him no room to say anything.

“I’m headed to my cabin,” I call back. “And don’t even think about following me,”

As I walk through the trees back up to my cabin. I feel scrapes start on my legs as thorns tug at the fabric of my clothes and branches snap beneath my feet.

I open up the creaky door to Hades cabin. The smell of mildew and freshly burning wood fills my nose. I calmly walk across the room to the single loose floorboard and flop down onto my bed.

I lay there tears sliding down my face. I’m a halfblood. I didn’t want to be. But unfortunately I am. James never wanted to be a halfblood either and I know that. But I still get so jealous sometimes that he was actually claimed right off the bat. His dad (Zeus) was so proud that he was his son that James hadn’t even been here an HOUR before his dad claimed him.

My dad on the other hand took his dear sweet time. I spent MONTHS in the Hermes cabin just waiting to finally be claimed. To me he had it easy. Sometimes when I’d be alone at night he’d come in the Hermes cabin and we’d just stay up playing games and talking but ever since I was claimed he grew distant.

My mom died when I was 7 and I have no siblings (that I’m aware of) so I’ve been alone my whole life. It was nice to have someone for a change. Tears soaked my pillow case as I lay in the dark with my head down. I was starting to understand why my dad hadn’t claimed me. I’m not strong, I’m not brave, I’ve got no real talent. I wouldn’t have picked me either.

I apparently drifted off to sleep at some point but didn’t realize it until I awoke to a soft knock on my door. I jerked awake as the door creaked open before I gave an answer. Camp Half Blood is safe from monsters, but there was that one time with Percy Jackson and Ababeth chase. So I take caution.

“Hey,” he says softly. “I didn’t mean to wake you, I’m sorry.”

“No um.. no it’s okay.” I muster a small smile on my face.

“Hey. What’s wrong?” James walks into view and just calmly crouches by my bed til his face was level with mine.

“I don’t,” I pause. “I can’t explain it”. Tears start to my eyes and I turn to face the wall.

“Look at me please,” I sit for a second and then turn around. He climbs onto the bed and wraps his arms around me. “It’s okay. It’s all gonna be okay.” I look up at his perfect face that I’ve never looked at like that til now. I’d never noticed him the way other girls had. He was handsome but we were just friends. His hair was a bit of a mess and looked like he might’ve fallen asleep or tried to before coming here. His amber eyes almost glowed. And his smile was perfect.

He hugs me a little tighter like he’s about to let go so I hold on tighter so he won’t leave. The next morning I wake up alone staring at the ceiling. I look over at the creasless sheets and realize it was just another dream. But now I’m worried something’s changed. For me, or for him I can’t tell yet. But, something’s not right.

Sun Solstice

“Take my hand!” Damian called out to me as I dangled from the edge of the cliff.

“No way!” There was no way I could trust him. He was a demon. He wanted me to die. He was my enemy.

“I’m not asking you to marry me, Vesper, I’m trying to save your life!”

How did we get here?

It all started three weeks ago. I was a happy princess who had nothing to worry about. My father was ruling Solestia in a peaceful manner. My sisters were dancing with boys at every ball. My mother and I were busy preparing for the annual Sun Solstice Celebration. It was perfect.

Sun Solstice is when the sun is high in the sky for an entire month. During that month, its magic shines down on Solestia and we all are graced with gifts. The kingdom is blessed with fertility and the people are blessed with beauty. It’s perfect.

I woke up one morning two days before Sun Solstice. I immediately walked over to the vanity to get ready. I brushed my golden blonde curls and applied some blush to my cheeks. I wanted today to be a good day. There was a lot to do for Sun Solstice.

I picked out a rose gold dress and some pink heels and walked downstairs for breakfast. My maid, Gloria, trailed behind me, ready to assist me. We still had a lot to do.

I walked down to the dining room. Guests had started coming in. There were a bunch of people who I knew. The Lady of West Sunset. The Governor and Governess of Rosehill. The Heir to the House of Sunlings.

All the Heirs were going to be people to avoid. I was supposed to marry an Heir. When I was born, the Royal Seer said that I was going to marry a Heir, but before we were to be wed, an evil would strike the land. He would disappear and I would be taken prisoner by dark forces.

I had hated Heirs from then on. What kind of guy would leave their lover to die in prison? A coward. I would not marry a coward. I was determined to change that.

I walked by the library. Then I was pulled to the side by my mother. I almost let out a scream, but realized it was my mother. “Mom, what the heck?” I asked.

“Vesper, we have a problem,” she said.

“What? Is it the roses or the cakes? Is it the tents? I knew I should’ve gone with the caravan.”

“No. No, it’s not that. Your father just made an allyship with a new House. He demanded we invite them.”

I relaxed. The Houses weren’t that bad. They were always very easy to deal with. Just deny their sons’ advanced, talk with the rich parents, and tell them about the kingdom.

“Oh, which House?”

My mother had to swallow before saying it. “The House of the Vampire.”

Everything in the world froze. Just saying the name felt like a curse. My heart started to pound out of my chest. The hallway went silent.

“What?” I asked. How could my father do this? The House of the Vamprie was the most fear House. They were dangerous.

“Your father promised them to help them attone for the sins of their past if they allied with him. Of course Lord William Vampire said yes. Everyone knows how desperate they are to be brought back to the inner circle.” My mother explained. “This is preposterous!”

I was in shock. The House of the Vampire was descended from the Great Vampires, dangerous beasts who terrorized the land until they were forced into hiding centuries ago. Even if the magic in their blood has disappeared, their cruelty has not. They are known for their wicked and merciless ways. They hide themselves in a dark manor and punish anyone who dares to get in their way. They kill people who even pose a small threat to them. They don’t know the word mercy.

Wicked was the only word to describe them.

I looked at my terrified mother. Fear laced her features and worry lines lined her face. I felt bad for her. This was terrible. “When do they arrive?” I asked.

I had to be ready. I knew about them. They had three sons: The oldest, Damian. He was said to be the most attractive man in the kingdom. Rumor has it that his touch was worth dying for. It was also rumored that he caused multiple girls to kill themselves.

The middle child, Lucian, was just as bad. It was said that he was incredibly intelligent. He was known for being able to outsmart the most intelligent scholars. It was also said that he seduced girls and then stole their souls.

The youngest son, Aspen, wasn’t known for trickery or women. He was known for nothing. He was known for his mysteriousness. He was the baby of the family. The Vampires had four children. They also had a girl who was a bit younger than me. So the youngest was questioned about a lot.

The girl’s name was Adrielle. She was known for her beauty. She was claimed as pretty, but fierce. No man could tame her. She was as sharp as she was pretty.

“Tonight.” My mother said.

They arrive tonight.

Tonight was the start of the events. The official celebration wasn’t for another two days. Tonight was the opening ball though. Tonight, I would meet the House of the Vampire.


There I was standing on the edge of that bridge that my intrusive thoughts had told me to go to so many times before, and I never entertained it. Standing there, my heart beating out of my chest, I hear it louder than anything else. My hands shaking, and sweaty, as I look down at the water thinking about whether my kids are better off without me. I am such a failure that it’s just better this way. My inner thoughts just telling me to jump off that bridge. This one time, I thought well maybe… I walked down there in the rain and stepped up over the edge, one foot up and then the other, full of adrenaline. And then I slipped and tried to grab hold quickly. I knew for certain no one was around when I came down here but I looked up and a man reached his hand out and said “Take My Hand”, I told him, “No Way”, my thoughts would never let me trust a random stranger much less to take this man’s hand to pull me back up. He said, “I’m not asking you to marry me, I’m trying to save your life!”… “Grab my Hand!” I said “Every Time I have Trusted someone to pull me Out of the Trenches, I got burnt.” He said, “Please, You don’t know me, but this isn’t the way” “Just Trust”. Everything inside of me telling me to be stubborn and not grab ahold, but I did. I grabbed this man’s hand, and he pulled and I grabbed the other and pulled me up over that bridge. I felt an instant calming, relief I had not felt in a very long time. A mere stranger that I didn’t know I needed to be around in this very vulnerable moment where I wanted to stop my world. Make all the pain stop, felt like I couldn’t go another step on this broken Earth. What was inside this person that made him not pass me by? To make him stop and offer me a hand and tell me that this isn’t the way to do things? After catching my breathe; I looked up, and I just said, “Thank You”. He said, “Everyone needs a hand once in awhile, you just have to take it from the right ones that have the right intentions.”

What a tourist attraction.

“Oh- well… Sorry.”


They ran out and away from the cave in the side of the volcano. Smoke trailing behind them. Chasing them down the tunnel.

“Oof!” She tripped and fell. She looked behind her only to see the lava. It had finally started to rise up to the cave entrance.

“Oh no.” She said in a rather weird way.

He grabbed her wrist and yanked her up. They began to run again. “Should I leave her?” He thought. Her clumsiness could lead to his demise. He could leave her to fend for herself and easily escape on his own. But it would be it really be worth it. It would be as if he killed her himself. How could he live with that?

“We’re nearing the exit!” He shouted. Holding his the collar of his shirt bunched up over his nose, to avoid breathing the smoke. She had copied this action after he yanked her off the ground, and she looked at him. The lava was starting to spill into the tunnel.

She looked back, then forward. Back, then forward. She opened her mouth to say something of the sort of, “Just leave me!”, “Me living won’t change the course of history or anything!” But before she could he said “Don’t even think about it!”

They had about fifteen feet of a stretch and the lava was gaining of them. The smoke becoming evermore intense. It became so thick they could barely see. As they made it to the exit she began to unbundle her shirt collar, that she had also been holding to her nose. Before she could he grabbed her hand that was holding it and forced it back onto her face.

“ARE YOU TRYING TO SUFFOCATE?” He shouted, muffled of course under his shirt.

“But we’re outside.” She replied, muffled.

He let out a groan. He then pulled her down the mountain. The ran as fast as they could. As of right now they probably could have made it halfway to the bottom. Back in the tunnel the lava was starting to the exit. As it got outside, gravity pulled it down hill. Lava spilled from different holes pattered all across the mountain. They ran and ran until he looked back to see they were back where they began. Except now they had a faster means of escape. He pointed to the right and they began to run in that direction but still down. They saw the lava run past on the path that they had just left. They’d dodged many obstacles, but they were not yet out of the woods. As they reached the bottom they felt a bit of relief. A release of tension. But of course, it is false. If they don’t find shelter soon, the rain of ash from the volcano could be their demise. They frantically searched the woods for any sign of shelter before they came upon a cave. Whether it was enough shelter, they didn’t know. But a cave right now was as good as anything. They had run out of time and they could see the eruption in the distance. The volcano blew its hot breath, it released its poison to the air. The shockwave came soon, and the forest stood silent. They wouldn’t dare make a sound.

Hours later, she asked “Is it over?”

“I don’t know.” He replied. “I’ll go see soon.”

“That was some tourist attraction.”

“Yeah. I guess. Some tourist attraction.”