
It was 1967 and the Earth had been invaded. The weird creatures are highly capable of murder, and find their victims by sound. By the end of 1975, there was only 10 people left in Oklahoma. They joined together and agreed, they would use hand signs, signals, and gestures to communicate instead of talking.

The creatures had a very high sense of hearing, even one loud breath can be your last. The group, Sarah, Zameria, Ella, Jackson, RJ, Michael, Tamera, Elliot, and Madison went hunting for food, you must be silent with every step in the dense forest.

In this world, silent communication is key. Suddenly, RJ steps in a loud puddle of water. “Hide!” Ella says using a hand signal, we all hide quietly. Multiple creatures appear, looking around. They go forward, they move again, “AHHHHHH” RJ screams as they snatch him and fly away.

We have no time to mourn, they will come back, we watch our step and rush to our hand built cabin, we can whisper in here, and only in here.

“He’s gone…” Zameria mourns, RJ was Zameria’s husband. Their child had already been killed by the creatures.

Zameria runs outside, clacking pots.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I whisper yell, before we knew it, the creatures took her. She took her own life.

From that day on, it’s just Michael and Zameria left. They created a silent gun to kill the creatures and will fix the world forever.

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