Submitted by Anon Y. Mous

It all started with the old cars hidden in the woods…

Write a horror or mystery story starting with these words.

The House In The Woods

The search had been going on for three days now. The search for Polly Gridwick. Last seen in the park by a couple of drunken teenagers. I was apart of that search. I didn’t personally know Polly, but she was a 13 year old girl and many things could have happened to her. Crunching the leaves beneath my feet I walked aimlessly calling out her name.

“Polly!” I heard another person over the ridge yell too so I turned in the other direction. While walking I stumbled upon a house. The leaves had engulfed the roof, and the road was littered with more leaves. There were two cars that had covers and looked like they had been sitting there for years. The place was so quiet besides the chimes of a wind chime. It looked abandoned. I walked to the porch and knocked on the door. Nothing. I opened the screen door and knocked again. Still nothing. I tried the door and to my surprise it opened. I wondered if maybe Polly had stumbled upon this place too and had been staying here, or worse being held here. That thought sent me walking backwards. I wondered if I should leave and come back with others. But what if by the time we came back it was too late. I opened the door and walked inside. There was a awful smell, like death. I put my hand up to my nose. I slowly crept around the house looking for Polly, or what once was Polly. I entered the master bed room on the first floor. (It was a one story house) the door creaked open and I felt a wave of nosia hit me. My legs became weak and my body shook. The smell was unbearable. There were people fashioned to the walls by some sort of radioactive looking glue. Some of the corpses where so decomposed that you could see the bones. There in the middle of them was Polly a thick black liquid oozing from her lips. Her eyes where open but all you could see were the whites of her eyes. My stomach churned and I fell to my knees and threw up.

“Help” I looked up to see Polly moving her head slightly. In a quiet squeaky voice she said again

“Help” I stood frozen unable to move. Then Polly began screaming, a blood curtling scream her jaws looked unhinged and broken. The other people up on the wall began screaming too, their jaws breaking open showing a dark hole in their faces that was their mouth. I plugged my ears, I was trembling. That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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