Submitted by Bernard Wicks

Write a poem or story that reads as if it is beautiful, but is actually about something rather tragic.

For example, you might write about a beautiful sunset in an apocalyptic world, or a poem about the good things about heartbreak.

Dead Bird Fly (Prologue)

When I died, none of my friends were saddened—sorrow never truly touched their features, nor their hearts.


One cried, but it was just an act to them; a show; a part to play as the loving friend. They basked in the condolences of their audience.

_ V_**NPD**

One let themself frown sadly, their brows creased in dismay, because it was expected of them. They knew death was something to feel sorrow for, so they played the part, to be just like everyone else.

_ G_**NPD**

One let a few tears fall from their face, but ultimately was unfazed by my passing. They yawned a few times during my service and grinned at the glares that were sent their way.

_ _**ASPD**

And the last one of my friends didn’t even try to pretend. He stood near my open casket, patted my forehead for a second, then kissed my head in a way that I had wanted for so long. It meant nothing to him, of course, but it was what I had wanted for a long time.

He smiled.

And even though it wasn’t true—nothing with my friends ever was—I smiled back at him.

Finally—I was free.


Basically, this story is based off the poem I made called _Dead Bird Fly_. Yes, what I’ve written above is foreshadowing for the actually story and yes it has a meaning. I’m very interested in disorders and for Dead Bird Fly, imma be focusing on Type B (Dramatic) Disorders—correct me if I’m wrong.

These include: Boderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD), Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, both thick-skinned and thin-skinned (NPD—I added the _G_ (thick-skinned) and the _V_ (Thin-skinned) because I forgot the correct terminology.

And, also, for the Main Character, he has Obsessive Love Disorder (OLD) that is intermingled with his BPD—also forgot the terminology for when that happens. 😭

My search history on my school account must be WILD.

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