Dear Diary


It’s me again. I can’t even remember how long it’s been. I’ve been running for so long now it feels like this has always been my life. All I know is I can’t be found. He can’t find me. I can’t go through that all again. I wouldn’t survive it. I’m in Rome right now. It’s beautiful here. It’s a shame it had to take running for my own life for me to see the world. Anyway. I’ll write again. Not sure when.




That was a close call. I saw him in the crowd, he’s getting to close for comfort. Too familiar with my pattern. Of course I fled again. I won’t tell you where though. Maybe he has access to this digital diary and that’s how he knew I was in Rome. I feel like I’m suffocating from the weight of all of my own thoughts. I’ll write again.




I changed my hair color today. I won’t tell you which shade I chose… you never know. And I cut it. It’s been a few months since I saw him but I’m thinking about leaving this place and finding a new one. I can’t ever let myself get too comfortable. I don’t trust it. I don’t trust anything. I’ll write again.




I met someone. He’s pretty great. But I don’t know if I can trust it. The last time I loved someone he locked me up and tortured me. I have to keep reminding myself that not all men are the same. That some can be decent. I think I’m going to choose to trust him and let him in. He already knows about what happened to me and seems like he wants to keep me safe. I’ll only write again if it goes badly. Hopefully you won’t hear from me again.


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