(TMNT fanfic) Chapter 1

((I need a name idea for this 🥲))

((I’m gonna do the best I can for this, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong))


Characters (OCs)

_Name: Autumn_

_Nickname: Audie_

_Personality: shy, scaredy cat, kind_

_Gender: Female (she/her)_

_Species: squirrel mutant_

_Sexuality: bisexual (cuz why not?)_

_Name: Finley_

_Nickname: Fin_

_Personality: chill, friendly, big ol softy_

_Gender: male (he/him)_

_Species: dog mutant _

_Sexuality: pansexual_

_Name: Archer _

_Nickname: Archie_

_Personality: talkative, sweet, has predatory intistincts that randomly kick in_

_Gender: male (he/him)_

_Species: arctic fox mutant._

_Sexuality: _**_questioning_**

_Name: Collette _

_Nickname: Coco_

_Personality: sassy, bold, smart_

_Gender: female (she/her)_

_Species: mouse mutant_

_Sexuality: asexual _

(And then ofc, the TMNT ogs, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph!)


Donnie sat at his desk, mindlessly tinkering with some new invention of his, his thoughts adrift. Suddenly, a knock at his door shook him from his daze and he got up to open it. Mikey stood there, smiling slightly, “hey, Donnie… Uh— there’s something in the kitchen I need you to see…” Mikey said, shifting from foot to foot. Donnie rolled his eyes as he followed Mikey out of his room. “It sure as heck better not be a prank or something stupid or I’ll have your head.” The younger turtle shook his head and continued to walk, “no, no… it’s rather… someone, I suppose, though I’m not sure.”

The two turtles arrived in the kitchen, and Donnie scanned the area. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a ball of fur shift in the shadows. “Do you see it?” Asked Mikey, pointing to the corner the fur was. Donnie nodded and stepped forward, but jumped back when he accidentally stepped on a thin, fuzzy tail. The ball of fur leaped up, revealing a type of mouse mutant. “Watch where your stepping, you jerk! I was sleeping!” It hissed, glaring at Donnie. He stumbled back, and Mikey bent down to look the mouse in the eyes. “Ohmigosh… it can talk!” Mikey exclaimed, turning to Donnie in excitement. Donnie grumbled and crossed his arms, “and it can insult.”

The mouse stood up straight, its light gray fur shiny as it dusted itself off. “I have a name, ya know? And I’m not an ‘it’ I’m a human girl…” the mouse looked down at her paws, “or, _was_ a human girl.” Mikey nodded, still bending down to be face to face with the tiny creature. “I see, so, I assume you were bitten by an oozequito?” He asked, and Donnie stood next to him, looking uninterested with the sassy mouse. “Is that what that disgusting creature was called? One moment I was in the park playing with my pet mouse, and the next I _was _a mouse.”

“Huh… how old were you, er- _are _you? And what’s your name?” Donnie asked, leaning against the wall and looking down at her. “I’m 14 years old.. And my name? It’s Colette, but I prefer Coco. What are your names, Purple and Orange?” Coco asked, flicking her tail in slight discomfort as she stared up at the tall purple turtle (or at least tall to her, she’s only 4’9).

“Ah, yes. Well, I’m Donnie, and this is my lil brother Mikey.” Donnie said, gesturing towards Mikey, who was now reaching out to pet Coco’s fur. “You look so fluffy!!!” He exclaimed, still trying to pet her. “Bro, stop. You can’t do that to a woman.” Donnie laughed, pulling back his arm, making him whine slightly.

“We should tell the others we found another mutant!!” Mikey jumped up, bouncing up and down. Donnie sighed and nodded, “sure thing.” Then, the two walked out the door, with Coco close behind. She was so small compared to them, and their place was so big, it was rather overwhelming. She continued following them, when a taunting voice called out to her.

“Come here, little mousy~” it purred, and Coco could feel eyes on here. She spun around to see an arctic fox mutant crouching low, ready to pounce. She squealed and ran out of the room, trying to find Donnie or Mikey. “Help! Help!” She squeaked, running into Mikey’s leg by accident. “Woah! What is it?” Mikey asked, scooping her up. “A-A fox! A big one! In the kitchen..” she whimpered, looking through the door. “Wh-what? Another mutant? Wow…” he mumbled to himself. Donnie walked up to them, “did you say _another_ mutant! Let’s hope this one isn’t annoying…” he grumbled, shooting a slightly playful glare at Coco.

The three walked back into the kitchen, keeping a close look out, when a small laugh came from the cabinet and an arctic fox leaped out and tumbled onto Donnie. “What the—“ he exclaimed, catching the fluffy white creature. “Hi!!! I’m Archie! Nice to meet you!!!” The fox exclaimed, jumping down from Donnie’s arms. “Oh! Hi mousy!” He yipped, looking up to examine Coco, who was still in Mikey’s arms. “Get away! Earlier you tried to eat me!” Coco hissed, trying to show her edginess. “I did? I’m sorry, Mousy, sometimes I get _really_ hungry and it makes me go a little nuts.” Archie said, hanging his head apologetically. “Ugh— it’s fine, I suppose.” Coco grumbled, her small, round ears twitching in irritation.

“This is great, now we have two mutant friends! _Now_ we can find Leo and Raph!” Mikey exclaimed, grinning down at the two critters. Donnie sighed and scooped up Archie, cradling him gently in his arms. “I think Leo will like you, Chatty Patty.” Donnie laughed, and Archie giggled as well. “Oh! I can’t wait to meet him!” Archie smiled, looking up at Donnie.

They all arrived in the living room, where Raph and Leo were both sitting. “Ohmigosh! You found mutants?!” Leo asked, jumping up to examine them. Raph smiled warmly, and bent down to pet Coco, who leaned into the nuzzle. “Oh! Oh! Are you Leo?” Archie asked, looking the blue masked turtle over. “I sure am! Nice to meet you… um, what’s your name?” Leo questioned, scratching Archie’s head affectionately when he jumped from Donnie’s arms. “My name is Archie!” The young fox chirped, standing up. The two hit it off immediately, and began chatting happily.

Raph continued to pet Coco as she and Mikey sat down on the couch, and Donnie was just watching happily. He loved his family, though sometimes he wouldn’t let it on, and would do anything for them, he even loved the new mutants they just met today. Something in him told him that there would be more mutants to come, and crazy and dangerous adventures ahead…


✍️Writers Note✍️

This was my first TMNT fanfic ever!! I hope you all enjoyed it! I know it probably wasn’t great, but I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to write some tips on how I can improve next time, and if I got any inaccurate information, please correct me! Next chapter I’ll introduce the next two mutants, and then the adventures shall start! Also, I can’t decide if any of the mutants should be love interests for any of the brothers, or if they should be more of just family. All of the ocs are around their teen years, so that’s why I’m indecisive. 🤷‍♀️

Also, who was your favorite character, (I know I only introduced two ocs but oh well) and do you have any ideas for new characters?

Anyways, have an amazing day and I hope you liked it!!! 💖💖


I have decided on the ocs ages

Coco is 14

Archie is 13

Fin is 15

Autumn is 14

Comments 16