Coffee Shop Thoughts

Do you know how to contain a storm

Rising there within a teacup?

Do you wonder if only you close your eyes

Would it disappear?

If you would force your tears away, tilting your head upright

Or hide in your room at night funneling your pain into a pillow — to soft to truly take it

Would the storm finally stop?

For you hide within the worn pages of books

Reading there in the coffee shop

For this world is too much

And the storm bubbles over

As simple strangers pass by

It’s to hot to feel anything else,

Too blurry to see the world clearly

It rumbles in your heart like a darkening sky

Lightening flashes with worry

And unreleased emotions crash, ready to flood your soul

Some days it’s just all too much

But you take a breath

Because maybe not today — or even tomorrow

But someday it will be ok

And while you wait for the rains to pass

You sit down and take a sip

And watch your storm in a teacup settle to a gentle brew

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