Desperately trying to fit in, your character agrees to go on an 'initiation night' with their peers, but the games and rituals start to get very realistic...
Continue the story. You could set this at a school/college, new workplace, sports club, etc.
The Goat House
I never thought my first lay would be a goat, but that’s exactly what it was.
I had just moved to a new college and I was desperately trying to fit in. Nobody wants to be a loner. I was 19 and eager to impress anyone and everyone. I did what any sensible young man would do in my situation; join a fraternity.
I should have realized when I joined that this fraternity would be heavy on the goat stuff. They didn’t follow typical fraternity names. They were called the Gamma Omega Alpha Tango House, aka The Goat House.
I’d over heard people talking about how crazy of a fraternity The Goat House was. I thought it was an acronym for greatest of all time. Which, in a sick sense it was.
I made contact with one of the fraternity brothers at a bar. His name was Mikey. Mikey invited me to play a few games of pool and I graciously accepted. After the third game he started talking to me about The Goat House. He decided I was chill enough and offered for me to attend an initiation ceremony tomorrow night. There was no way in hell I was going to pass up this opportunity.
I arrived at The Goat House at a quarter to eight. I spotted a few other pledges. They were all shirtless and wearing goat horns, brown fur pants, and hooves as shoes.
Mikey came up to me and thrusted the attire into my arms.
“Get dressed, you’re a pledge now,” Mikey says as he pushes me away.
I start heading for the bathroom before Mikey calls out to me.
“Where are you going, get dressed right here.”
My shyness starts to kick in. Getting undressed in front of all of these strangers? I don’t know if I can do it. But in an effort to fit in and belong, I do as I’m told.
After I’m dressed, I fall in line with the other pledges. We wait a little while for the remaining pledges to show and then we get started.
“Welcome to The Goat House, pledges. I am Mikey and if you are lucky enough, you can join our fraternity and become a full-fledged brother.”
I started to get nervous and when I get nervous my ears turn red hot. Luckily, these horns covered them.
“All right let us get started. Who here is a virgin?”
I foolishly raise my hand. A roar of laughter erupts throughout the room followed by some oohs and ahs. I look around and I’m the only one who has got their hand raised.
“Okay Virgin looks like you’re the lucky one. We can’t have any virgins in our fraternity so you’re gonna have to lose it. The bad news is, is that you’re gonna have to lose it in front of all of us.”
One of the other pledges raises his hand, “Uh I’m actually a virgin too, I was just too scared to raise my hand.”
“Too bad, get the hell out. We don’t like cowards here,” said Mikey.
He started to protest but then Mikey called for him to be removed. Two big guys wearing black hooded robes with a red goat skull on the back removed him from the house.
“Cassidy please come out here,” said Mikey.
A woman came out wearing nothing but the goat robe. It was slightly opened so you could see her bare breasts. They were magnificent. I have never seen boobs in person before.
“Looking good Cass, now could you please bring out Misty for me,” said Mikey.
Cassidy turned around and walked down a hall. She had the biggest bubble butt I’ve ever seen. I think I might nut just from the sight of her.
I must say I am nervous about having to perform in front of all these people.
Cassidy comes back from the down the hall holding a leash in her hand. Behind her is a goat.
“Virgin, meet Misty, she’s gonna take your virginity.”
My jaw dropped, there was no way I was going to have sex with a goat. I now understand why it’s called The Goat House.
“Drop the pants Virgin, let’s see what you’re working with.”
I can’t do this. But I have to, I need to belong. I need to fit in. I start unbuckling my pants. They fall to the ground and I step out of my underwear.
“Cass, please turn Misty around. You two pledges come here and hold her steady.”
At least it’s a female goat I think to myself.
Cassidy turns Misty around and the pledges take hold of her.
“Cass, you may leave now, thank you. We don’t want this pledge looking at anything other than the goat.”
I take a deep breath and step forward. I think of Cassidy. I grab the goat by the horns, and I insert myself into her. I think I’m going to be sick. The goat screams and screams. The sound was piercing my ears. I think again of Cassidy’s sweet ass and I bust almost immediately.
There was a stunned silence.
“Holy shit, we didn’t think you would actually go through with it. We always let it go on as far as the pledge will take it. You are the first pledge in the history of The Goat House to fuck a goat,” says Mikey.
I feel my entire face go red. If the embarrassment doesn’t kill me first, then I plan on killing myself.
“Well, you fucked a goat and you’re no longer a virgin. Congratulations. We are not done yet though. You’re gonna have to sacrifice the goat to Satan now,” said Mikey.
Oh goddammit, what the fuck is going on.
I can do that, yeah, I just fucked a goat, killing it will be easy. These people are strangely passive about me just having fucked a goat. I guess they’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff, but I don’t know what would top fornicating with a goat.
I guess the goat doesn’t have to worry about being pregnant since she’s about to be sacrificed to Satan.
The crowd files outside and Mikey orders a pledge to bring the defiled goat to the altar out back. Mikey goes down the hall and then returns with a ceremonial dagger.
“Alright Goat Fucker, that’s your new name by the way. You’re gonna pray to Satan and then you’re going to slit the goat’s neck under the ceremonious bowl. You will then drink the blood to harness the goat’s power.”
Mikey hands me the dagger and we proceed outside. I make my way through the crowd and to the altar where Misty is tied up. I can’t believe I’ve done this entire thing sober.
I kneel down at the alter and I pray to Satan.
‘Dear Satan, I don’t really know what to say. I’m sure I will meet you in Hell once I die, since I just fucked a goat in front of two dozen people. Also praying to you probably won’t sit to well with the big man upstairs. Um, please accept this defiled goat as gesture of goodwill. Amen, I think.’
I stand up and I grab the goat by her horns once again with my left hand. In my right hand I ready the dagger against her throat. Her beautiful, soft, sexy throat. I look into the goat’s eyes. Oh fuck, I think I’ve fallen in love with the goat. She was my first lay after all and the first time is always special.
No, I have to do this. I can’t marry this goat and run away to Guatemala. You have responsibilities here at school. I will miss you Misty. My sweet, beautiful queen.
I take the dagger and with a tear in my eye, I open her neck. She lets out a heartbreaking cry and dies. A little part of me dies with her.
Balls to the wall, I guess. I lift the ceremonious bowl and chug, the warm thick blood coursing down my throat. I can feel the power and the love of Misty entering my stomach.
“Holy shit, you did that too. You are one crazy son of a bitch,” says Mikey.
Everyone is looking at me with shock and opened mouths. I am definitely going to have to kill myself after this.
“All hail the GOAT of The Goat House!” declares Mikey.
Everyone screamed and applauded as they lifted me up in the air. They began chanting GOAT repeatedly.
I did it. I fit in. I finally belong somewhere.