Write a dramatic monologue from a character that you would like to explore.
A dramatic monologue is a poem written as if someone is speaking to an unseen listener. You could write as a character from media, or one you've made up.
The Poetry Of Stars Ablaze
[This is one of the first Fanfic peices I have ever written, it is about the Mauraders Era, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black, their friendship] [Remus has the nickname Moony and Sirius has the nickname prongs, They are about 15 in this] [ Please give honest feedback, I wrote this in 45 minutes, i didn’t think I just wrote, It is 1,080 words]
“When you look at the stars do you think of me?” Sirius asked Moony and Prongs late one night in the dorm
“Why wouldn't we?” Remus asked sleepily from behind his drawn velvet curtains, and James just snored. “Well, I mean, I don't know, I just, I keep up this bad boy persona, but in reality, I think no one really loves me.” The black haired boy says “And I know it is just that, thoughts.” He stammers “Oh pads.” Remus says, sighing “Of course we love you.” and faint rustling can be heard as Remus opens his curtains and slides on his slippers. Sirius, now thoroughly embarrassed, decides to keep quiet, “I never should have said anything.” he thinks to himself, but his curtains slide open and Remus climbs into the boy's bed “I don't want you to ever think that way Pads.” Remus said, his golden eyes sparkling in the faint glow of the bedside lamp. “I know.” Sirius says, his words barely audible. Remus lifts Sirius’ chin up with two fingers, pushing a few strands of his long black hair out of his face “Listen to me.” He says “We love you, We love you so much.” Remus whispers to Sirius, who is now blushing a fierce scarlett. “Thank you Moons.” Sirius whispers “For this, for everything.” and Sirius sees one single tear slide down his friend's scarred face. He lifts his hand to wipe it away, “Hey don't cry,” he says in what he hopes is a comforting tone “It's just, I hate that you feel this way, I hate that your parents made you feel this way.” Remus chokes out, his voice thick with bottled up emotion “But it's not your job to handle my pain Monny, I need you to understand that.” Sirius says and intertwines his fingers with the boy across from him “Because while we can help each other heal, We can't take the pain away.” He says, and a smile tugs at the edge of Remuses lips “Do you want to know why I look for you in the stars?” Remus asked Sirius, who responded with a nod “For you like the stars, are a light in my darkest hours, A glimmer of hope when all else is lost, you are the star that guides me home, in the latest of nights, when I am the most lost in myself.” Remus says absentmindedly tracing patterns on the boy's hand with his thumb “Very poetic Moons.” Remus chortles, “But I would expect nothing else from my money.” He says “And do you look for me on the moon?” he asks his eyes filled with the love his soul holds “Of course I do moons.” Padfoot says with a grin playing on his face “Though I may not be able to say it as poetically as you, I will say I gaze to the moon, which gives me light in my darkest hours, and is a warm embrace on the coolest nights.” Sirius says and continues to hold his gaze with Remus, all tension has seemed to evaporate from the dormitory. “That is more poetic than you think pads are.” Remus says and chuckles “I guess I am rubbing off on you.” Moony jokes and ruffles his friends' hair “Or I read poetry.” The boy with the messy black hair remarks “I never took you for a poet.” Remus says pretending to act taken aback but his tone betrays him “I read the books you leave in the dorm, the poems you leave on my pillows, I even dabble a bit myself.” Sirius says “But I could never reach your level of expertise, because Moony, your words…. Oh your words, they have power.” Sirius says and his eyes glow with adoration “You read the poems I leave you?” Remus asks, genuine surprise lining his words “Of course I do, They are beautiful, Your words are beautiful, they deserve to be read.” Sirius says and tucks a loose piece of Remuses golden hair behind his ear “If my words deserve to be heard, then so do yours.” Remus says a playful expression framing his face “Well Mr.Lupin, Want to hear my poems do you?” Sirius jokes and reaches out a finger to poke Remus in the ribs “Well go on then.” Remus says playing the part of being impatient. Sirius takes a deep breath and pulls his leather bound notebook from his drawer “Here goes nothing.” he whispers “The moon,the stars, the sky. They smile at me at night. They give me hope, they give me peace, they give me a reason. The moon, the stars, the sky.” He finishes and chuckles awkwardly “Not my best work.” He says softly and flips to another page “Love was lost upon my cause, For nobody wanted me. A light was seen, hope was caught. And now I am finally free.” Sirius reads his poem and closes his notebook and shoves it back in his drawer “It's not my-” he starts but sees Remus has tears streaming down his scarred skin “Oh my moony,don't cry.” He says, regretting ever sharing his poems in the first place “Pads, that was beautiful.” Remus croaks in broken words. Sirius blushes a fierce scarlett once again and rubs small circles on the back of Remuses callused hand “Never as beautiful as yours.” Sirius says, his expression warm and sincere. Sirius wipes the last of Remuses tears with the palm of his free hand. “I guess we should get to bed.” Sirius says, slightly defeated, “It's pretty late.” He pointed out to the golden haired boy. He motions to an alarm clock reading ‘2:07 am’. Remuses face turns a faint pink “Guess it is a bit late isn't it pads.” He says and chuckles and releases the boy's hand. The bed softly creaks as he stands up, and just as he is about to close the curtains of Siriuses bed, words are spoken “I want you to know moony.” he pauses “That you are the best friend I could ever ask for.” Sirius finishes and yawns. “I love you too, Pads.” Remus says and closes the boys curtains, he climbs back into his own bed settling in for a good night's sleep.Sirius lies awake and replays the whole scene over and over in his head, until he feels the last comfort of the words “I love you pads” for the last time as his eyes flutter shut.