without you without me
without you i am but a bird with no wings
a harp with no strings
and a bee that can’t sting
i’ll sing a soft tune for a person with no ears
his head turned away from me because he can’t hear
all the wonderful words that come out of me
that he can’t listen to and therefore won’t see
without you i am the living dead
walking around aimlessly with no soul instead
i’ll ponder with the mind i don’t have
and feel things with a heart i don’t understand
then reach nowhere by the time i think i’m ahead
without you without me
looking in the mirror i can see
right through you and through me
and i hold no shame
fear rests often but not associated with my name
breathing still, i am
with lungs buried inside me that expand
and breathe out the blame i once felt i couldn’t command
i am merely free
once i’m here with my company
and i simply just cant be
without you, without me.